
WTS: Shocking Shadow Bow of Fortitude +28 req 8marks!!!
good gold weapons low prices including a dmg+15% always axe and 20% enchant pommel
Gold max dmg Long Sword (20% Enchantments)
Wts Green Protection Staff!!!
Selling 2 perfect GREEN staffs from Sorrow's Furnace!
staff wrapping of enchanting 19%
Flamberge |15>50 |golden| MaxDmg| req just 8!!!!!!!
5 weapons - 1 purple 4 gold
Max Dmg Golden Fire Wand With +5 Energy On It
13 gold weapons going very cheap [3k~20k]
2 Great Truncheons, 1 GREAT Domination Staff
WTS gold eternal shield armor 16(req. 13 strength) health +40 (while enchanted)
WTS perfect composite bow [auction ends today]
[GOLDEN] Max Cane
Graygore's Short bow and more==VERY CHEAP!!!
WTS: Gold Unid Ivory Bow
Selling 20% enchanting poomel at 80k!!! and also 2 good gold mesmer canes and staffs
Gold Perfect Items
Wts Green Max Dmg Bow And Golden Items!!!
WTS: Sephis Axe
WTS gold and purple itemss
Wts Gold Max Axe Of Fortitude
WTS cheap: a crapload of weapons and items, golden purple and blue
4 golden items
WTS > Gold Max Dmg Ebon Deadbow of defense +13>50% Armor +5
Perfect Sword Pommel of Fortitude
Gold and Purple Weapons
WTS: Rare Hammers 15% Mursaat/Foehammers/Spike warhammer etc.
WTS max gold unIDd cleaver
WTS yellow max dmg HALFMOON req.8 15% always while attack -10 armor
WTS Falchion !!! take a looK
4 Perfect Weapons!!!!!!!
max dmg halfmoon
***Perfect Green Staff*** You got to see this
Wts Again The Falchion Req 7
Gold Half moon Req 11 15>50
UNID Gold Weapons
gold sword very crap but cheao
wts max rare req 8 fire wand (one handed) wuth 14 mana and -1 mana reg