
Nice Hammer Here. and i mean good
Selling Crystalline Sword - Purple Max/Dam +12 Always
wts bow grip of fortitude +30health and others
Gold/Max Crippling Crystalline of Enchanting +14 w/ Enchant'd 19% Longer Enchants
Selling Rare Storm Bow
WTS Purple Serpent Axe Req 10
Wts 2 Vampiric Bow Stirngs 5/1
WTS 20 items starting at 100g each!
2 Gold Hammers With 15% Mods
Auction on 7 items!!! Lookie!
WTS Vampiric Sword Hilt 3/1
Gold Hammers (Runic, Maul, SpikeyHammer & more) HammerUpgrades: Sundering 10% & more
Selling Gold Max Eternal +42 health (while enchanted)
Aegis max armor 16 shield (gold) with H E A L T H +34 (while enchanted)
Max Gold Weapons (15% always, 15%>50, 15% ench, 13% always, etc) - Perfect or Almost
WTS : Gold War Hammer Max Dmg +18 % Dmg when Hexed + 10 % AP + 10 % + 27 Health
Wtb max dmg gold chaos axe
{WTS} MAX Dmg Hammers + other items!
WTS Unid Weapons , ID'd Weapons, Upgrades, Runes, Shields
Selling Gold Items and Weapon Upgrades
Must sell Sword Pommel of Fortitude +27!
WTS gold req 8 15>50 wingblade and req 7 15>50 silver long sword!
.:WTS:. perfect Sundering Sword Hilt
WTS: Unid Gold Max Damage Items
WTS 12 Mostly GOLD Weapons and Shields
WTS: Max Shocking Shadow Bow of Fortitude
Vampiric Hammer Haft 5/1
[WTS] Perfect Vampiric Axe Haft 3/-1
15% In Stance Axe, HP Always Defender
Selling max Dmg Stormbow (poisoners stormbow of fortitude)
wts gold ankh max hale staff head and 1 gold 1 purple storm artifacts
Wts 4/1 Vampiric Half Moon Of Fortitude
WTS:***GOLD Eternal Bow, Perfect Upgrades, Gold Dom Cane***(Pic Inside)
3 Hammers For Insanely Cheap Buy Outs
WTS:Gold Max Dmg Fiery Giant Slayer's Hammer
WTS perfect 20%<50 8 req long bow
WTS -50 health focus
Linen for sale - lots available!
Wts Gold Shocking Shortbow Max Dmg, +14% Above 50%hp