Befreinding the Factions



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Manchester, England

New Dragons [NDR]

I have some questions about befriending the factions.

As I undertsand it, to get to the towns on either side that craft 15k armour, you must do a mission, and to get into the mission you must be a friend of the faction, and to be a friend of the faction you must have 10k of that faction's faction.

My question(s):

Can you befreind both factions, and thus get parts of the 15k armour from each faction?

When I talk to Kurzick merchants, they ignore me. Is this because I have more Luxon faction? or because my alliance is luxon? Is it the same for armour crafters? Can I get them to speak to me?

The Jade quarry/Aspenwood missions: If I am in a Luxon alliance, can I still do the missions on the Kurzick side? Does 'befreinding' the faction change anything? Is this the easiest way to get Kurzick faction?


Manda Panda

Manda Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadow Wanderers

Yes, you can, but you should probably make sure you're close to zero with one faction before you start befriending another, so you don't lose extra faction when you spend/donate.

If you have more faction w/ luxon, the kurzicks won't do business with you and vice versa. Once you earn enough kurz faction, they'll talk to you.

You can do jade quarry/aspenwood for either faction, regardless of who you are allied/friends with.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Ashes Of Xellnova [AXEL]


Spend all your faction of the opposing side before trading in faction of the side that you need so it won't go to waste.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Remember when you trade 1000 faction for 1 jade/amber, you lose 1000 faction of the other side. If I trade 1k Lux faction for 1 jade, I will lose 1k Kurz Faction and vice versa.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


If your guild is Kurzick the merchants on the kurzick side speak to you if you have equal faction for both sides and those on the luxon side will speak to you if you have 1 luxon faction more then you have for the kurzick side.