Quick questions


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


im sure this has been answered by the search isnt working so sry to ask again

how where and what do i spend my faction points on
what can they get me (for campaign)




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

I'm not really sure how you can not find taht with the seach but o well I'll explain it anyway.

It depends on what faction.

For Balthazar faction, you have to go to the balthazar priests (i think that is their name) in the PvP outposts. They let you trade faction to unlock things for PvP only characters.

For luxon/kurzic faction, you spend it at the main luxon town (for luxon) or the main kurzic town (for kurzic). You can trade the faction for things like materials or give it to certain npc's (forgot what they are called, but they aren't too hard to find). The point of giving it to the npc's is to
1) work towards a title that depends on how much faction u donate to the npc's and
2) try to claim a city for your guild/alliance

I think taht sums it all up.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



The only material that you can trade Faction for is Jade/Amber.. and you give them to the [Factions Rewards] person in Cavalon or HzH.
Or, if you have at least 5k of faction, you can talk to the [Factions Transfer] person found in Cavalon or your own gh to add Faction to your guild/alliance.