Reading someone's comment about mountain trolls being able to use mighty blow and disrupting chop at the same time got me thinking that this game could use some weapons that can count as 2 different weapon types - such as a morning star axe counting as both an axe and hammer.
warriors seem somehow unfairly restricted in that about 2/5ths of their skills are lost based on what weapon they choose.
Say for instance someone puts points into axe and hammer, he/she would have to take time switching weapons just to be able to use the different skillsets whereas a caster would not.
I'd say it would be pretty interesting too, to see a warrior do devestating hammer or counterblow then lacerating chop.
Only problem might be the attribute points determining dmg bonus - maybe the higher attribute determines the base dmg bonus or something
Dual weapon class weapons
enemies can have more than one weapon set like us, and since it was a troll you dont see their weapon so maybe they did switch. And since its the enemy they can probably switch weapons faster.
Dr Strangelove
It's a well known fact that enemies cheat. The snarling driftwood in FoW for instance have 2 elites. Enemies can be over level 20 and have ridiculous amounts of energy such that they never run out. They get monster only skills that are insanely overpowered. Bosses do double damage, meaning some ele and rit bosses can spike a whole team down. Some giants can knock things down with a normal attack. Enemies can randomly appear out of the ground with no advance warning. Siege wurms can attack from outside the aggro range. In the Zaishen challenge, the enemies get multiple use rez sigs.
The computer gets to cheat, you don't.
The computer gets to cheat, you don't.
And with all that, PvE is still easy

I think the "actual" attacks a troll does with his bare hands is different than a weapon, it may say "mighty blow" but he isn't wielding an axe. Creatures of non-humanoid types arn't going to function the same, and most monsters are going to have abilities beyond the "tools" used to do them with their natural build.
Since putting points in more than one attack attribute is significantly weaker, I don't see the point of having dual attribute weapons for Warrior. It is an interesting idea for a future classes weapon association, but Warrior doesn't need it. I think Assassin needs a pair of Daggers which require Deadly Arts or Critical Strikes more than Warrior needs cross weaponry types.
If they where going to make cross weaponry for Warrior, I think 2 handed swords and axes in the hammer mastery line would be better, even if it only works like a Hammer.... it would be nice to swing a megalithic sword.....
Since putting points in more than one attack attribute is significantly weaker, I don't see the point of having dual attribute weapons for Warrior. It is an interesting idea for a future classes weapon association, but Warrior doesn't need it. I think Assassin needs a pair of Daggers which require Deadly Arts or Critical Strikes more than Warrior needs cross weaponry types.
If they where going to make cross weaponry for Warrior, I think 2 handed swords and axes in the hammer mastery line would be better, even if it only works like a Hammer.... it would be nice to swing a megalithic sword.....
Exactly. If a monster's model isn't carrying a weapon, it isn't using one - it's using a claw or a kick or a bite or something that isn't an artificial implement. The troll's Mighty Blow and Disrupting Chop aren't actually weapon skills - think of them more like special monster skills that just happen to be close enough to tricks that can be performed with hammer or axe that you can learn how to do so using a capsig.
If it makes you feel better, you could also consider the troll to be punching or kicking when it uses Mighty Blow (and hence employing a hammer-like blunt attack) and using a claw-swipe for Disrupting Chop.
If it makes you feel better, you could also consider the troll to be punching or kicking when it uses Mighty Blow (and hence employing a hammer-like blunt attack) and using a claw-swipe for Disrupting Chop.
The milk shake
complicated but a axe/sword one blade on each end
Maybe in future chapters, but I don't think it would be worth it for the programers or usefull enough for us with the current chapters. I may be wrong though.