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Hello all, recently I bought a ATI Radeon x1800XT 256mb and couple days ago I ran some tests on 3Dmark05 and the results seemed pretty low :\ according to a friend of mine on IRC
My CPU Specs are
AMD 3800+ @ 2.56ghz
ECS Elitegroup rx480-a MOBO
1gb ram
I went into my ATI Catalyst control center and found out that the card wasn't even on default settings.. as listed on the Box/sites It's currently at 594 MHZ Core, and 693 Memory the bos listed 625mhz/1500mhz.. and due to the tests.. it says I ONLY have 8pipelines atm.. that means i have 8 more to unlock.. could someone please teach me how? I really want my video card to be at default settings cause right now the games i'm running don't look that great like oblivion, source, Q4 etcc.
Please leave comments or PM me.