Guild Selling
Hey I was looking to sell a guild I inherited since I don't have the time or gold to maintain it and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on how to sell it without people considering you a scammer. I don't want to hear any offers of people mediating I was just curious if there was a better way other than just promoting someone after they pay you the money.
Silent Kitty
I don't think there is a save way to sell a guild. Either party will be vulnerable to scamming. It takes a lot of trust on both parties. The savest way is selling it to someone you know personal.
why not sell it to someone in the guild?
sir lockt
Why would you want to sell it? Just make an officer leader....wave goodbye... and everybody is happy.
Silethas Celalith
basicly, selling guilds is selling people. which is wrong, imho.
Ariana Of Damia
Agreed, If you are the only one in the guild that is a different story. Sonce GL position defaults to the most senior officer (after 3 months absent) why not just make him/her GL?