Search is working now.
We completed the server maintenance and search should all be set and enabled now. If the load becomes high, yes it will automatically disable, but I'm not expecting this to happen. Today is the test and we'll see during peak times what will happen... but rejoice in this small favor.
Awesome this is great news. Makes looking for things much much easier and faster
OMG! Sweet pwnage flapper jacks! Thanks Inde!
That is superb news!
We can only hope that people will make use of the search function now instead of posting new posts on questions that have been answered over and over again in the past.
We can only hope that people will make use of the search function now instead of posting new posts on questions that have been answered over and over again in the past.
It's the little things that really get you... no more excuses for people not searching! WOO!!!
Thanks Inde and everyone who helped. =)
Thanks Inde and everyone who helped. =)
No more thousands of duplicate threads FTW... I hope.
An Anti-Flood timer is in place on search to stop abuse of it. But make sure to always narrow down your search for the best results.
So basically searching within one or two forums is better then search all of them at once for example.
So basically searching within one or two forums is better then search all of them at once for example.
*clicks on advertising banner* ^_^ WTG inde~
did you guys take my advice and buy ultra server computer worth 2,000 US DOLLARS or more? Just curious lol
Hidden in the Mist
Yay! Search is back!
Thanks alot Inde!
Chilly Ress
one word.....yay!
hurray!! i'd go test it...but i'm afraid it would say its disabled because everyone else is testing to make sure it works. then id just feel guilty...
awesome! now I don't have the use the crappy google thingy most of the times :P
Former Ruling
Only time I search is my for own posts or threads >_>
Sad I had to admit that.
Sad I had to admit that.
it works? IT WORKS?
*clicks on one of the advertising banners to support*
Ty GWGuru!
it works? IT WORKS?
*clicks on one of the advertising banners to support*
Ty GWGuru!
Darth Malak
Couldnt ask for a better belated birthday presetn(the10th) woot thanks Guru
The Real Roy Keane
Thanks a million, much obliged.
Thank you!
Kais Unduli
Thank you Inde. Much appreciated.
J snukka
wwwiippppeeee, just felt i should add a post. thanks now i can search, i gave up trying after 6th time getting that message.
Ghull Ka
zomg awesome, thank you very much for getting this crucial feature up and running!
Thanks. *also clicks ad-banner*
<Montgomery Burns voice> Excellent..... </Montgomery Burns voice>
X of Thulcandra
Juicey Shake
and the masses rejoice!
<3Inde; adclick everyday :*
<3Inde; adclick everyday :*
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I for one will be soo happy to once again use this long-missed feature!
I for one will be soo happy to once again use this long-missed feature!
All hail the mighty mods! Is it just me or is 'Auction' going 59* faster then usual?
So, was this why Guru was down last night for quite a while?
If so, it was totally worth it ^_^
If so, it was totally worth it ^_^
Yes Opeth11, we expected an hour but it turned into about 5 hours. The server load is low, search is here again, the database seems to be running smoothly. So let's hope this is the end of our troubles for a bit.
Yay for Guru! It was the only thing I missed on this forum. Thanks.