This page cannot be displayed?
The Primeval King
Hello everyone. For my internet connection, I use Armstrong Cable, which is relatively fast. I always have great connection to the internet. However, for about half of the Guild Wars Guru Auctions pages that I view, including the Sell an Item page, Users Auctions, and many other parts of the auction site, the page I get says "The page cannot be displayed." I'm sure you all have gotten this page at one time or another, but it has been happening alot for me. Even if I try to refresh the page a couple times it still gives me the "The page cannot be displayed." Sometimes on the fourth try I get lucky and the page gets through. Anyone know what could be causing this?
Primeval, we completed server maintenance last night. So the only question is, are you still receiving this today? Any day before this, it was not you but our server working overtime. So please let me know if you are receiving these messages today.
The Primeval King
Everything is fine Thanks alot