New command - /rotfl
There are many situations, when u would use this command, simple /rotfl - rolling on floor laughing (for those, who don't know it(?))
Maria The Princess
my characters would not ever get up probably, but dont we have a /laugh emote? meh.... i wanna roll on floor
my characters would not ever get up probably, but dont we have a /laugh emote? meh.... i wanna roll on floor
Remove the t and I /sign

Dr Strangelove
what's so bad about /laugh?
storm of daeth
some moments deserve a rotfl emote
some moments deserve a rotfl emote
Ira Blinks
I am in general all for new content, but... imagine that every character model in game needs to be updated to support this movement and make sure every armor skin looks at lease somewhat sane...
There are lots of far more serious stuff that needs to be working on than just another emote that will be heavily abused by people who put no real meaning in emotes.
/not signed
There are lots of far more serious stuff that needs to be working on than just another emote that will be heavily abused by people who put no real meaning in emotes.
/not signed
well - they do abuse rank and waht's the point - at first day - sure, there are goin to be whole cities rotfling, but it will go common and will be used properly

but btw, you don't need the "T". It's just "rofl".
but btw, you don't need the "T". It's just "rofl".

/not signed
Will be too busy spamming it in missions to heal anyone.
Will be too busy spamming it in missions to heal anyone.

Ventius Hozza
The /laugh command seems like you just entered a posh bar and the bartender tells you a little ditty. You chuckle.
/signed plz
/signed plz
rotfl no rofl yes
How many rolls on the floor can there be for diversity among characters? Until hug is implemented no more emotes seeing we didn't get any new ones for Chapter 2.
Male ranger /dance
Mars Dragonblade
There's no "t" in it, it's just "rofl"... I'm just bein annoyin now, sorry
. /rofl would make my day in a lot of cases, trust me. I like the idea tbh, I think it would be good fun
. Or maybe a /lmao, where the legs of your armour could kinda... drop off while you laugh your head off at some clown in your party... or... somethin... Nah, that's a pants idea lol, forget it
. No pun intended btw! 

Vahn Roi
Id rather have a /laydown command, though I am sure the pre-teen losers would find many other uses for the command.
Love the idea.
Alpha Moth
i always like new emote
would also be a good addition to the things that characters do when theyre boozin' it up
would also be a good addition to the things that characters do when theyre boozin' it up
they could maybe make 1 emote for each class (ex: monk-prayer warrior-sword swing ritualist-lotus position float necromancer-evil laugh elementalist-flicker(snaps fingers, makes little flame) archer-scan the skies etc.) if they get free time running out of ideas (not likely) or maybe for individual class combos(not likely)!
sounds like fun
sounds like fun
Omega X
Originally Posted by Ira Blinks
I am in general all for new content, but... imagine that every character model in game needs to be updated to support this movement and make sure every armor skin looks at lease somewhat sane...
There are lots of far more serious stuff that needs to be working on than just another emote that will be heavily abused by people who put no real meaning in emotes. /not signed |
I want some of what you're smoking.