Concept Class Challenge - Harvester



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



Seeing there are bit of increase positive activies here at the suggestion forum, I will attempt to do another Concept Class Challenge!

What is CCC you ask? The idea is simple. A theme of concept class is given out, and challenge everyone to try to take a shot at it in making a possible GW profession base on that given class. (also need to put it up, so can encourage disscussion, improvesments, feedbacks, and "mine-is-better-than-your" talk)

So, this Challenge for this round will be.....


Its a difficult one..(that is why its a challenge)... even I have no idea about it. But work your creative minds, see what you can come up with. And to broaden it a bit, your CC just need to related to Harvester in some way, weither as a sub name (Soul Harvester?), an attribute, or even an armor set. As long as it can relate t the theme, it should be fine.

Oh, and a CC doesn't have to be long, just some quick description on what you think it should do, some list of attributes, and possible few skills or two to examplified your ideas. Pictures are also welcome.

See how it will turns out here.... I am also running it on another fourm... so its like battle of creativity betwee people of 2 suggestion fourm!... or not...
But anyhow, if any one posted the idea (and if this thread didn't die at premature death), I will be copying it over to share with another thread (with Quotes, of couse). If you don't like it, just stat it somewhere. Have fun.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Where there is Justice, I will be there. Where there is war, my butt will be in Mississippi!

Rune Raiders [HIDE]


Do we post our ideas here? Sorry, new to this

unholy guardian

unholy guardian

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Lost Haven


hmm yeah i guess i could give this a whirl too, but yeah do you want the ideas here? Although i don't know how ideas i could come up with, still trying to work on my real cc



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Where there is Justice, I will be there. Where there is war, my butt will be in Mississippi!

Rune Raiders [HIDE]


The Harvester
Also known as mages of the fields, Harvesters focus on plants for a feirce, near-flawless combination of offense, defense, and buffing. They mainly focus on more exotic uses of plants(ex. Shrub defense wall, disarming vine, Giant Venus dragonfly-trap) and a particularly frightening scarecrow minion.
Being the diverse summoner that they are makes their primary attribute, Earth-Tap, crucial. This not only allows all plant-based summons to steal energy (1 energy for each level in Earth-Tap) but to return it to their harvester. Their other attributes, however, are nothing less. Weeding focuses on sarificing plant-based minions to strengthen those left living. Planting, of course, is the critical attribute staple that allows Harvestors to summon in the first place. Herbalism allows the player to make potions tradable with others in your party, amplifieing attacks, raising defense, and possibly causing some...changes...within the user's very body. The final attribute is pruning, which focuses on dealing damage without the use of summons, through thorns or poisons.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



Yeah.. put your ideas there... While detail is okie... but don't make it too too long... leave some room for other.

Pretty good ZonerZ. I love Plant trappers.