What did anet do to you?
A-net did absolutly nothing to me.
It's a GAME.
I still have the Game, the rest? So what, it's not real.
It's a GAME.
I still have the Game, the rest? So what, it's not real.
Originally Posted by shmek
Uhmm... why? For concept sake? Cause people have been playing with this as part of game for a great long time and things were going just good. We need this nerf for what reason?
Originally Posted by shmek
The multi comboed armors added some nice variety rather then the push were going to have now.
Loki Seiguro
anet ruined everything when they "fixed" MMs then it all went down from there...they cant even make a good storage extention...250 max thats a load of bull.....
X of Thulcandra
I love how every sign of protest or a complaint on this board gets called "bitching and moaning". Last time I checked, *WE* were the customers, not ArenaNet. If they manage to put out an update after months of putting it off, obviously screwing many people over, we have a pretty damn good reason to say something about it. To all you people who crawl out of their little hole just to point their finger at someone who makes a valid complaint/point and call them "bitchers and moaners": Go crawl back into your pathetic hole.
This is a bogus thread .... these "NERFs" were needed to streamline the game.
Thank you ANET
1 For no monthly fee
2 Free Armor imporvements
3 Anti Gross Overpriced Items
4 Storage imporvements
5 Cool storyline
6 Great class options
7 Skill Balanceing
8 Guild Alliances
the list can go on and on...
Thank you ANET
1 For no monthly fee
2 Free Armor imporvements
3 Anti Gross Overpriced Items
4 Storage imporvements
5 Cool storyline
6 Great class options
7 Skill Balanceing
8 Guild Alliances
the list can go on and on...
Here here GloryFox!

Hidden in the Mist
They pissed me off.
Just made my ranger the uber ele killer, rangers are more usefull now.
Ranger armor is:
Base 70
+30 vs ele
+15 vs specific
base 70
+30 vs ele
+10 in stance
No matter how you stack it, if you're facing an ele you now need a ranger
Ranger armor is:
Base 70
+30 vs ele
+15 vs specific
base 70
+30 vs ele
+10 in stance
No matter how you stack it, if you're facing an ele you now need a ranger
What will this do to me it will set me back maybe a year or 9 months in getting my set of 15K.I will eventually have to buy some pieces of glads armor to replace the knights on my Warriors yes I have 2 of them.I just wished the crafting materials prices were all fixed at the vendor.
I was all fixed had the skills I wanted got a few extra socs in case and getting good selection of crafting material together.I was.'t planning on buying anything for my chars for awhile as I wanted to get my set of 15Ks.I was all set.
I was all fixed had the skills I wanted got a few extra socs in case and getting good selection of crafting material together.I was.'t planning on buying anything for my chars for awhile as I wanted to get my set of 15Ks.I was all set.
Was rather disappointed to find my armor 15, -2 stance shield now is only good against physical damage. Armor in general sucks now, as you dont get the benefits from each piece(Im amazed they still havent made it so only 1 rune at a time will work on armor). Options are being limited, and thats not good. Some players, though, it sounds like ANet could hand them a urine sample, theyd say it was an "Exotic lemonade"... Just dont understand how these people can just say, "Hey, its their game, they do what they want, "(even if its an obviously bad idea)", and you should just deal with it"... Makes no sense to me. We did buy the game, but things are being changed when there is no need or desire among a great deal of players for the change. The "fanbois" seem the type, where, if they pay the morgage on their house, and the day after the get the recipt saying it was paid, they get another bill, would just pay again, because, "The bank owns the mortgage, so its alright for them to do that." Glad Ive only got the one piece of Droks, hasnt cost me much, but might not buy 2nd piece I was planning on.
Cyan The Archer
Anet didnt do anything to me i didnt like. It's always the players who do something i dont like(Like whining about the smallest things ever - Just see this update -.-)
Tuoba Hturt Eht
ANET made Guild Wars for me to play, I'm happy with that.
If I am to be more specific:
- ANET nerfed Twin Serpent Lakes' Tengus, but I made a lot of profit before that, and I moved on to other farming areas
- ANET nerfed Prophet's Path Griffon farming area, again I made lots of profit before that, and now I moved on to the other farming areas
- ANET fixed Green exploitation, the abilty to find out if a boss will drop a green before we kill it, I farmed lots of Sskai's Sword before this fix, so no worries there
- ANET finally answered my prayers when I was begging for a Ghial's Staff using the /bug command, after I killed Ghial's for countless time using my W/N and Ghial refused to drop his staff
- ANET did the same for me, for a Canthan Green Blood Staff, the one just ouside Aurious Mines
- etc ...
Read up "Who moved my cheese?" if you are unable to cope with changes in life.
If I am to be more specific:
- ANET nerfed Twin Serpent Lakes' Tengus, but I made a lot of profit before that, and I moved on to other farming areas
- ANET nerfed Prophet's Path Griffon farming area, again I made lots of profit before that, and now I moved on to the other farming areas
- ANET fixed Green exploitation, the abilty to find out if a boss will drop a green before we kill it, I farmed lots of Sskai's Sword before this fix, so no worries there
- ANET finally answered my prayers when I was begging for a Ghial's Staff using the /bug command, after I killed Ghial's for countless time using my W/N and Ghial refused to drop his staff
- ANET did the same for me, for a Canthan Green Blood Staff, the one just ouside Aurious Mines
- etc ...
Read up "Who moved my cheese?" if you are unable to cope with changes in life.
Originally Posted by Cyan The Archer
Anet didnt do anything to me i didnt like. It's always the players who do something i dont like(Like whining about the smallest things ever - Just see this update -.-)
I do believe you deserve a Gee Tee Eff Oh.
Originally Posted by Tuoba Hturt Eht
ANET made Guild Wars for me to play, I'm happy with that.
If I am to be more specific: - ANET nerfed Twin Serpent Lakes' Tengus, but I made a lot of profit before that, and I moved on to other farming areas - ANET nerfed Prophet's Path Griffon farming area, again I made lots of profit before that, and now I moved on to the other farming areas - ANET fixed Green exploitation, the abilty to find out if a boss will drop a green before we kill it, I farmed lots of Sskai's Sword before this fix, so no worries there - ANET finally answered my prayers when I was begging for a Ghial's Staff using the /bug command, after I killed Ghial's for countless time using my W/N and Ghial refused to drop his staff - ANET did the same for me, for a Canthan Green Blood Staff, the one just ouside Aurious Mines - etc ... Read up "Who moved my cheese?" if you are unable to cope with changes in life. |
The Herbalizer
im pretty sure a meteor thrown at you from an ele would have its dmg reduced by a shield seeing as a meteor is pretty physical. You see in films warrior deflecting spells such as lightening bolts. The physical idea seems really dumb imo. i dont care about the knight/ascalon armor update but the vs physical shield update doesnt seem right. Shields surely can prevent dmg from certain spells. For example ice spikes surely would be physical so should have some dmg reduced.
im sorry about your loss. I have lost more millions than i dare think about. bought a perfect shield i spent months looking for then two days later it is updated and inperfect.
im sorry about your loss. I have lost more millions than i dare think about. bought a perfect shield i spent months looking for then two days later it is updated and inperfect.
Alpha Moth
nerfed my knights boots just after i got fow, now im broke and can't get new ones
gg anet, i hate you
gg anet, i hate you
- Well, they just made a good shield of mine into a fairly valuable one.
- They've continued to keep gameplay interesting & competitive for over a year.
- They nerfed the spirit spamming rangers back when those groups were virtually invinvcible in HoH.
- They hosted 3 quite enjoyable holiday events
- They made the best looking Warrior armor totally useless (except for gatherings around the round table - oh wait! there is no round table in GW!)
- They've provided a game where you can meet some interesting and fun people.
- They provided a game where you can meet some annoying and moronic people
ok, yes i was pissed when i made my first post, but i know a few people who feel like i do, i love anet, and what they have done, but as a mother love her child, the child does not always agree with the changes the mother makes for the child.
Example? ok, an easy one for all,
A child is give dessert for a full year every night, after over a year, the mother says, o well, u can only have dessert once a month, do u think the child is happy, Hell no...
If someone is one way for a full year+, y change it now?
I will continue to play gw of course, but will i always love the updates, no, but that is life, ok?
Example? ok, an easy one for all,
A child is give dessert for a full year every night, after over a year, the mother says, o well, u can only have dessert once a month, do u think the child is happy, Hell no...
If someone is one way for a full year+, y change it now?
I will continue to play gw of course, but will i always love the updates, no, but that is life, ok?
If you guys want to see examples of how things start off great then for whatever reason go completely crap (and commercial reasons often factor into it)
- Look at games e.g. the Tribes series, which many probably don't know about but was great for me. The last one killed the series for being so poor and limiting and restricting so much.
- Movies e.g. Aliens, original two were classic. The rest were rubbish cashing in. The countless "sequels" which are churned out of Hollywood just to cash in some more.
Anyway back on topic I think the biggest damage that's happened is the PR disaster of Anet promising one thing, or at the very least giving the impression of promising one thing, and then delivering something else. That, or they've delivered something with restricitons/limitations and apparently deliberately so.
Nothing's more damaging than loss of faith and trust in a product/company - especially if word gets out about it. What's going to happen for Chapter 3? We're going to be promised more things but then at the last minute told it will be only for that chapter? Things get crippled/restricted in old chapters so you're "compelled" to buy the next one? Slippery slope...
They need to get their internal lines of communication sorted too out methinks.
- Look at games e.g. the Tribes series, which many probably don't know about but was great for me. The last one killed the series for being so poor and limiting and restricting so much.
- Movies e.g. Aliens, original two were classic. The rest were rubbish cashing in. The countless "sequels" which are churned out of Hollywood just to cash in some more.
Anyway back on topic I think the biggest damage that's happened is the PR disaster of Anet promising one thing, or at the very least giving the impression of promising one thing, and then delivering something else. That, or they've delivered something with restricitons/limitations and apparently deliberately so.
Nothing's more damaging than loss of faith and trust in a product/company - especially if word gets out about it. What's going to happen for Chapter 3? We're going to be promised more things but then at the last minute told it will be only for that chapter? Things get crippled/restricted in old chapters so you're "compelled" to buy the next one? Slippery slope...
They need to get their internal lines of communication sorted too out methinks.
Alpha Moth
I hate this, i spent freaking ages to get my fow! Now. Its a stupid set and i must change, Give me a chance to swap my fow for another piece please 
GG anet, this is worst then aoe nerf.

GG anet, this is worst then aoe nerf.
posted by Alpha Moth nerfed my knights boots just after i got fow, now im broke and can't get new ones gg anet, i hate you |
Alpha Moth
Why the hell would they leave it for over a year, then change it.
Ofcourse that was going it be my choice since its the best one available.
Ofcourse that was going it be my choice since its the best one available.
Curse You
Just a note, remember that Arrows count as Physical damage. As well, a couple of spells deal physical damage (I think).
posted by Alpha Moth Why the hell would they leave it for over a year, then change it. |
ALSO... I hope the -50 cesta will be NERF'd NEXT since now they CAN affect accounts and equipment GLOBALY
Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by GloryFox
Thank you ANET
1 For no monthly fee 2 Free Armor imporvements 3 Anti Gross Overpriced Items 4 Storage imporvements 5 Cool storyline 6 Great class options 7 Skill Balanceing 8 Guild Alliances the list can go on and on... |

Curse You
As a bit of a gaming company leagal fact I shall state the policy on who owns a game.
A game belongs to the company who creates it. They are free to make any changes they see fit. They are alowed to completely change game mechanics whenever they want, it is after all their game.
Just because you purchased a package that enables you to play the game, does not mean you "own" it.
That being said, you can't just say "I bought the game, now they have to do as I say." You would in fact be false.
It is their chioce to make apropriate changes, because they know if they don't, consumers are less likely to buy more of their products, resulting in lowered profit. So it is in the companies best interest to make reasonable changes sugested by the consumers.
Oh and no, I am not a lawyer, I just know a good many gaming laws
As a bit of a gaming company leagal fact I shall state the policy on who owns a game.
A game belongs to the company who creates it. They are free to make any changes they see fit. They are alowed to completely change game mechanics whenever they want, it is after all their game.
Just because you purchased a package that enables you to play the game, does not mean you "own" it.
That being said, you can't just say "I bought the game, now they have to do as I say." You would in fact be false.
It is their chioce to make apropriate changes, because they know if they don't, consumers are less likely to buy more of their products, resulting in lowered profit. So it is in the companies best interest to make reasonable changes sugested by the consumers.
Oh and no, I am not a lawyer, I just know a good many gaming laws
Originally Posted by Alpha Moth
gg anet, i hate you
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by Curse You
As a bit of a gaming company leagal fact I shall state the policy on who owns a game. A game belongs to the company who creates it. They are free to make any changes they see fit. They are alowed to completely change game mechanics whenever they want, it is after all their game. Just because you purchased a package that enables you to play the game, does not mean you "own" it. That being said, you can't just say "I bought the game, now they have to do as I say." You would in fact be false. It is their chioce to make apropriate changes, because they know if they don't, consumers are less likely to buy more of their products, resulting in lowered profit. So it is in the companies best interest to make reasonable changes sugested by the consumers. Oh and no, I am not a lawyer, I just know a good many gaming laws |
Curse You
Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
If this was a single-player game, you knew exactly what you bought. When one chooses to buy an online-only game, that puts him/her completely at the company's mercy?
Originally Posted by leetfeet
SO, my question is, what has anet done that you didnt liek, and it ruined something for u?
Poison Ivy
Whinning isn't going to get you anywhere, after all, there is no monthly fees, their not loosing customers on a big scale.
Originally Posted by GloryFox
This is a bogus thread .... these "NERFs" were needed to streamline the game.
Thank you ANET 1 For no monthly fee 2 Free Armor imporvements 3 Anti Gross Overpriced Items 4 Storage imporvements 5 Cool storyline 6 Great class options 7 Skill Balanceing 8 Guild Alliances the list can go on and on... |
Thank you ANET
1 For shutting me out of factions for about a weekafter I preordered the CE which got delayed
2 For messing up the first and last Dragon events (first never happened, last had twice the grasps which made the event very difficult to win)
3 Waiting a year to lull us all into a false sense of security before nerfing warrior armors, shields, and absorption runes across the board
4 Nerfing my pre-nerf Rockmolder about 6 months after you could have
5 Making a huge mess out of today, including today's computer lock-ups at certain zones
6 The insane elite mission mess that has brought the worst out of many otherwise good gamers
7 The constant misinformation/ambiguous statement/broken promises
8 Unfunning this game
Tark Alkerk
Originally Posted by Theus
The idiocy behind the changes of all damage reduction to physical damage only.
The knights boots fix I don't care about because it was an actual BUG. I don't even understand why they changed it,Hell if youre an elementalist/mesmer/necromancer who can't kill a warrior you've got to be a pretty bad player. |
so if a necro who is running death magic faces a war and gets killed he must be a terrrible player. the same way, a mesmer who has domination skills must suck as well, because backfire/guilt/diversion isn't really ain't warrrior.
a tbh an elementalist will have trouble killing a warrior one on one.
lets look at this closely.
fire magic: high damage no defense
water magic:good snares no damage
lighting magic:this will keep a warroir down for a long time but tbh your going have trouble killing him.
earth magic: who runs this?
one last final point.
Guild wars isn't a one on one battle situation.
so really at the end of the day, its not the flashbots job to kill the war, its to keep the warrior down and off the monk, while the anti-monk takes down the
its taget the healing stops and the rest of the team kill the warrior.
and to all those who bought FoW knights,
sucks to be u at the moment, but it was a bug fix not a nerf.
They made Linea even more powerful!! MAHMAHMAHMAHAMAHAAAAA
A-Net has done nothing to me except present me with new challenges and goals.
posted by VitisViniferaThank you ANET 1 For shutting me out of factions for about a weekafter I preordered the CE which got delayed |
2 For messing up the first and last Dragon events (first never happened, last had twice the grasps which made the event very difficult to win) |
3 Waiting a year to lull us all into a false sense of security before nerfing warrior armors, shields, and absorption runes across the board |
4 Nerfing my pre-nerf Rockmolder about 6 months after you could have |
5 Making a huge mess out of today, including today's computer lock-ups at certain zones |
6 The insane elite mission mess that has brought the worst out of many otherwise good gamers |
7 The constant misinformation/ambiguous statement/broken promises |
8 Unfunning this game |
Well 1 out 8 is kinda poor if you ask me.
They nerfed my summer and sun tan.
edit: need to get a laptop so I can play outside
edit: need to get a laptop so I can play outside
Curse You
Originally Posted by Kalki
They nerfed my summer and sun tan.
edit: need to get a laptop so I can play outside |

X of Thulcandra
Originally Posted by Asrial
A-Net has done nothing to me except present me with new challenges and goals.