First off, I did my best to see that this wasn't suggested before. Search function, the little list thing and everything. I apologize if I missed it.
Guild scrimmages are cool. I love them. They're basically private GvG matches within your own guild. I can get a small taste of GvG without assembling a team of 8 people and fighting against some guild I don't know... However, while I love these private scrimmages, I can rarely get a lot of friends together at once to enjoy a proper match. So I was thinking.
What if they made it so when you select "Host a scrimmage match", another window popped up, displaying different gametypes extending beyond just GvG. Such as the 4v4 arena rules like annihalation and kill count. The hosting player selects the gametype, clicks "OK", and the second party joins (With a little window that pops up and says you can't create/join the match if your party is too large). Then when the match is started, rather then place you on the guild hall map, it places you and the other team on one of the 4v4 arena maps. The match starts, ends, and then both teams go back to the Guild Hall.
I'm not asking for anything like gaining faction with Balthazaar during these matches. I'm not looking to turn the feature into an exploit. I just want to fight with my friends without having to go "Okay should we just go back to the guild hall now?" "Kay."
Private PvP matches
...I'm just gonna bump this once in hopes that it was just not noticed due to its sliding to the second page.