Answer These Questions Please

Calan The Powerful

Calan The Powerful


Join Date: Jun 2006


Dwarven Soldiers [ARMY]


ok here they are

1. is the mayhem in the marketplace quest hard?
2. do you have to do the mayhem quest?
3. do you have to do the mayhem quest before beaing able to cap flesh golem
and last?
4. will someone please help me with my new monk/ necro i want him to be able to do heal monk and mm (not at same time) please help



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


1. no, you can do it with henchies
2. yes, I think you need to since it leads to the Vizunah Square mission.
3. yes, and I'm pretty sure will have to the first two missions on the mainland to get that skill since you wont be able to access the area where it's found until then.
4. no

Edit: btw if you're only level 14 or something you should probably do some more quests, or you will have a pretty hard time.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Originally Posted by Calan The Powerful
ok here they are

1. is the mayhem in the marketplace quest hard?
2. do you have to do the mayhem quest?
3. do you have to do the mayhem quest before beaing able to cap flesh golem
and last?
4. will someone please help me with my new monk/ necro i want him to be able to do heal monk and mm (not at same time) please help
1) it can be depending on the route you go. there are two to chose from and if you happen to choose the afflicted route, then yes its a pain in the ass.
2) yes you have to do the mayhem quest in order to progress a canthan character through cantha.
3) yes as flesh golem boss isnt until a little furhter in the game past that quest.
4) i responded already in the monk forum about your monk mm idea.
5) learn patience my friend its a good virtue to learn.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

If mayhem is a primary quest, then yes, you have to do it, but I don't remember quests by name so I don't remember if it is hard or not.

About that monk...
I doubt any groups will let you join when you try to be a mm monk. No groups ever let me join unless I was using a healing or prot monk, because everyone seems to think that those are the only uses for a monk. You could always go with henchies though.

Dj Tano

Dj Tano

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

actually it depends a lot on your level, many people dont understand that the canthan island is a lvl20 area and they get in there at lvl13 or so. Only leave the started island at lvl18, then you got a chance.