Infusing armor
Hand of Ruin
I have runes on all my armour peices, and I just want to make sure infusing my armour will not negatively effect anything. Does infusion act like a mod that would overwrite my current mods?
No, infusion doesn't overwrite anything and cannot have a negative impact on your armor.
Marty Silverblade
Nope, infusion is not like a mod. When infused, another line in the armor description says infused in white text. All infusion does is protect you from mursaat. There are no negative effects.
Example: Platemail cuirass of strength
Armor: 90
Strength +1
Customised for ???
When infused it would look like this:
Platemail Cuirass of strength
Armor: 90
Strength +1
Customised for ???
Example: Platemail cuirass of strength
Armor: 90
Strength +1
Customised for ???
When infused it would look like this:
Platemail Cuirass of strength
Armor: 90
Strength +1
Customised for ???