I know somewhere in southern shiverpeaks, but where exactly? If anyone has a map that'd be very helpful.
Ok since none of these replies have helped me at all, I made a very crude grid on this map of Witman's Folly. Please indicate in wich sector(s) I will find ice trolls.
Where can I find mountain trolls?
Hand of Ruin
By droknars forge to the cave outside to the right in folly.
Hand of Ruin
Originally Posted by Draygonia_Advanced
By droknars forge to the cave outside to the right in folly.
Zephyr Jackson
You Are looking in the Wrong Region altogether, Look in the Crystal Desert.
Enter Talus Shute, and to your left is a hill, go up the hill and into a cave, and there should be about 10 or so trolls
Enter Talus Shute, and to your left is a hill, go up the hill and into a cave, and there should be about 10 or so trolls
Plazma Knight
.. go to the left side..
Plazma Knight
also i dont think there are mountain trolls in the desert..
Hand of Ruin
Originally Posted by Plazma Knight
.. go to the left side..
There aren't any trolls in Whitman's Folly, so we can't really use the map.
To find trolls, go into Talus Chute from Droknar's Forge and head west. There's a cave full of the buggers.
To find trolls, go into Talus Chute from Droknar's Forge and head west. There's a cave full of the buggers.
Yah, sorry, I got the zones mixed up, my apologies.