Chapter 3 Onwards: New Monsters
lol, Jack.
But really, can we please get some more serious ideas posted in here? If you want to joke around on a thread, do it in a new thread or make one in the Off-Topic and Absurd area.
But really, can we please get some more serious ideas posted in here? If you want to joke around on a thread, do it in a new thread or make one in the Off-Topic and Absurd area.
Thank you Riplox, finally someone with some common sense.
Jumping Is Uselss
Time to get this thread on topic again. Here is my monster
inspired from my anubis armor.
He could be like one of anubis minions for ch.3 or possibly a were-wolf for ch.4.

He could be like one of anubis minions for ch.3 or possibly a were-wolf for ch.4.
Oh Cool! I knew that we could get the ideas flowing if we stopped messing around, nice work!
Originally Posted by Dark Suoon
this is a mega funny thread! keep it up ppl lol
its not supposed to be funny dude.. Martian didnt create this thread so ppl could have a laugh...he was being serious... jeez grow up guys.. you are totally destroying the original purpose and intention of this thread... im trying to back ya up Martian..
Here is my monster... its supposed to be a sphinx type creature.. except the face is of a beautiful woman...more harpyish.. its just a quick sketch... and i dont have photoshop so if anyone wants to color it be my guest...
Here is my monster... its supposed to be a sphinx type creature.. except the face is of a beautiful woman...more harpyish.. its just a quick sketch... and i dont have photoshop so if anyone wants to color it be my guest...

Kool, and thanks for backing me up, ideas like this one are exactly what we need 
they would be great swooping down over the sand dunes, and diving with their claws and stuff. Just gotta hope the wind doesnt move her hair, or smut-police will have a field day!

they would be great swooping down over the sand dunes, and diving with their claws and stuff. Just gotta hope the wind doesnt move her hair, or smut-police will have a field day!
she could have that would solve the problem
Alotia Slipfeet
well if you want a more bugs i have one thats defintly out there XD

they are cousins to the scarabs and just as annoying

they are cousins to the scarabs and just as annoying
Saix The Spartan

WTF is that! And why is it on my thread?!?!
True, try and be serious here people.
A mummy would be good or a dginn.
what about a Mummy Dragon?
Hidden in the Mist
Not drawn by me but, damn I would like to see this as a monster in Nightfall.
Lots of flying monster ladies, interesting.....
Kaldor Meshekal
A half-man-dragon thing. What came from Glints eggs after she was killed for the sake of a bonus

edit: sorry for size :/
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