Does all Fissure Armour look the same for a profession?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Wizardry Players Guild

For example, the Fissure Necromancer Armor table on GW-Wiki shows five different types of armour (namely Scar Pattern, Necrotic, Tormentor's, Bonelace and Cultist's armour), but only one picture of a male and female wearing fissure armour. From my own reading of GW web sites, I get the impression that this is the case, regardless of which "type" of armour you purchase, each profession has only one "look" of fissure armour, but wanted to see if the general community agrees.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sooner Nation


it is true, all types have the same look, just different stats. there are many threads on this. just use the search at the top of the site.

X of Thulcandra

X of Thulcandra

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sector 001



Yes, the armor-type (Knights, Ascalon, etc.) has a global appearance for each class. The Tattoo/Scar patterns for Monks and Necros are sometimes a cheaper shortcut to getting that ''Fissure look''. They require less ectos gold, and NO Obsidian. (Just butt loads of vellum/parchment ).