Sorry if this post does not belong here but i want to say this:
I played GW at a Net cafe a long time ago and i liked it.I was going to buy it but i bought oblivion instead.So my question is this:
I want to buy GW now,but i have an ISDN 64kbps conection so will GW be able to run??I here much about laging,but was is it??
Sam The Ripper
It probably will but you'd lag. A lot (making organised PvP, running etc a lot harder).
Yes Gw is even most stable to play on 56 k conenction it will be fine on a 64 kbps. Turn off all music or to a low sounding.
Guild Wars is a mimic of Diablo 2, if you can run Diablo 2, then of course you can run Guild Wars, only thing is when you enter Ascalon and popular places it will take a long time lol. Same with PvP areas, time you enter, the match will be over.
Saying GW is a mimic of D2 is like saying D2 is a mimic of the Ultimas (not online), everything has a basis in things people have seen/played/read/etc in the past, but there are rather LARGE differences between them. The only real simularity between GW and Diablo (1 and 2) is that explorable area are instanced.
Well Diablo 2 has blue items, not so good, then yellow items which are better, then they have tan items which are like green items in gw, and in chapter 3 its official they are a complete mimic of Diablo2 because they will have set items. Only difference is PvP and GvG, Diablo 2 has difficulty lvls LOL. Also you fight the same mob in beginning and later on.