Help reg. monk energy

Calan The Powerful

Calan The Powerful


Join Date: Jun 2006


Dwarven Soldiers [ARMY]


ok my monk only has45 max energy how can i bring it up i saw a warrior with 256 energy how is this possible please help me out on this one or my monking days might be over

Anakin The Paladin

Anakin The Paladin

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


45 energy is average for a monk.The warrior was lieing or had an edited image because you cannot get 256 energy.But you can get more enefgy by having weapons that boost energy getting armor that boosts energy or have an off-hand that boosts energy.

PS.You might want to try to make a better question title.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

45 energy is fine for a monk, you don't need more, although you can get above 50 if you want.

To increase it use the tats armour it gives you some energy. Use a staff with an insightful staff head (+5). There are also foci available that boost your energy to around 70, but remove one pip of regen.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


The warrior got that much energy by typing out: My energy is 256 of 256

As for your REAL energy, you can get it in the 50's with the +energy armor.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

Netherlands, gelderland

none yet


you could also start over with your monk and make an Ele/Monk because elemantalist primary atribute is energy

Francis Demeules

Francis Demeules

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Canada, Qc



Originally Posted by Former Ruling
The warrior got that much energy by typing out: My energy is 256 of 256

As for your REAL energy, you can get it in the 50's with the +energy armor.
Yeah, Typing out his energy for joke, not real. Anyway, who in GW need that energy with a warrior?

The only one who can reach over 100 energy is the Elementalist (16 Energy Storage + 12 energy from focus and +15 energy/-1 energy degen from wand)


I answered my question myself about the warrior.



Join Date: Apr 2005

It's mostly an issue of weapon sets.

You switch weapon sets for temporary increases/decreases in your energy. You are paying higher energy with less energy regeneration, so you want to come back down from your higher energy sets to better regeneration as quickly as possible.

Parson Brown

Parson Brown

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

In ur base...

The one true [Hope]


The real issue here is how you manage your energy. You could have 100 energy to start with and still run out without solid tactics.

Look at your skillbar. How much does each spell cost? You want to use as many 5-point skills as possible.

When do you heal? Unless told otherwise, assume everyone in your party has about 450 hp. So if their bar is down only 10% or so, and you hit them with a lowly Orison of Healing, you "wasted" half of that energy because you healed more than their max health. This is commonly known as overhealing, and is the single biggest reason monks run low on energy.

Use the correct spell. Don't use Heal Party if only one or two members are taking damage. And using Healing Seed on a tanking warrior can easily save you several heals down the line.

Take an energy management skill. This could be as simple as carrying Signet of Devotion, which gives a bigger heal than Orison for 0 energy. Many monks also like to go /Me for inspired hex or Mantra of Recall. I love inspired hex, but don't care so much for Mantra.

Frank Bob

Frank Bob

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Warriors And Workers


Why put something like that here? there is absulutely no way that he could have 256 energy. would be sweet if ya could though



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

agred on en mgmt skills...

mo/me can also try channelling
mo/n offering of blood

my personal fav is mo/e with renewal with a DS heal spammer...

Dj Tano

Dj Tano

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

If you want to have max energy without loosing any energy regeneration then take the monk +nrgy armor and wenlassus faith: a total of 52 energy.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

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As mentioned, managing your energy is far more important than having an extra 5, (Mo/Me with channelling, inspired hex etc, using low cost skills and not over healing).

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Francis Demeules
Yeah, Typing out his energy for joke, not real. Anyway, who in GW need that energy with a warrior?

The only one who can reach over 100 energy is the Elementalist (16 Energy Storage + 12 energy from focus and +15 energy/-1 energy degen from wand)


I answered my question myself about the warrior.
To go with this post

Highest Energy Possible outside of Morale Boost:

That is 16 Energy Storage, 15/-1 Wand, 15/-1 Focus (Thats why you only have 2 regen).


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

[ps]Stratiotes Prophetikos[ps]


Ya, I wouldnt ever only go with 2 energy regeneration, My e/mo uses energy so fast i barley get around with my 3 energy regen.

Srry guys i h8 double posting, but the only way that would work with 2 energy REgen. is with a spiker.... nuker uses way too much energy

(Merged by Dralspire)

Calan The Powerful

Calan The Powerful


Join Date: Jun 2006


Dwarven Soldiers [ARMY]


thanks guys for the help, if anybody else has any intell to offer please do but this does help