What is the best/fastest way to get every skill?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Anyone know? My husband and I are trying to get all of the skills, I just want to hear what everyone's opinions are on the best/fastest way to get all of the skills. After we get all of the skills we plan to pvp (we want to have all builds available to us).

Parson Brown

Parson Brown

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

In ur base...

The one true [Hope]


I guess the fastest way would be to start in Factions, where skill points fall like rain.
Then, sell something for about 250k and buy all the non-elite skills from a trader.

Now all you have to do is go over every area 4-6 times and cap all the elites.

I suggest getting skills for a few builds first, then expanding on that as you go.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


This is what I told my friend when he first started playing.

First, think of what if your favorite profession (the prof that you'll continue to play until the end). Then think of the prof that you hate the most (the prof that you'll never want to play with.

Ok...your favorite prof will be your primary profession, and the one you hate will be your secondary profession. This way, you'll get all the skills from the ones you like and the one you hate.

Getting all the skills is not an ez task. It's not about having a lot of exp, but also a lot of gold to get it.

I really think getting EVERY skill is not really a good idea. Just get all the skills that you need as you progress. In time, you'll get all of them.

p.s.: I some how think playing in RA to get factions and unlock skills will be even faster than going though with role play characters. Get a second opinion on this.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by lightblade
This is what I told my friend when he first started playing.

First, think of what if your favorite profession (the prof that you'll continue to play until the end). Then think of the prof that you hate the most (the prof that you'll never want to play with.

Ok...your favorite prof will be your primary profession, and the one you hate will be your secondary profession. This way, you'll get all the skills from the ones you like and the one you hate.

Getting all the skills is not an ez task. It's not about having a lot of exp, but also a lot of gold to get it.

I really think getting EVERY skill is not really a good idea. Just get all the skills that you need as you progress. In time, you'll get all of them.

p.s.: I some how think playing in RA to get factions and unlock skills will be even faster than going though with role play characters. Get a second opinion on this.
Skills bought with factions can only be used in PvP.

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


Yes, and if they plan to move to PvP that could be a viable way to get them.
The only problem is that unlocking skills via RA is the slowest way to go, ever...
I would just buy them in Pve if you don't have a guild that could support you in Gvg's and HA, where you get much more factions


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


(Not sure whether you are referring to both sharing a game, or you have one each)

I'd probably start with role playing charaters in prophecies.
Working together, even if its just you 2 with henchies (solo with henchies is pretty easy too) .. you should be able to work your way through fairly quick, and prophecies characters get a pile of skills as rewards for quests up until about the desert. A lot of the skills aren't too special, but if you want *all* skills, taking 3 characters up to the desert (Utilizing a different prophecies primary/secondary for all 3 to achieve the spread of skills), you will end up with a good pile of skills.

Also, getting them to the desert, you can grab a few elites that appeal to you.

Then, i'd go the factions route, since as mentioned, skill points fall from the sky to go purchase more of them.

Also, the entire time ... have a pvp char go through the training arena off the isle of the nameless on the pvp isles a few times. Assuming you manage flawless (pretty easy), 3 runs through gets you the 1k free faction per day you can get from killing NPC's.
I visit them sometimes .. probably not the quickest, but since they clump nicely, i find using barrage as a ranger to kill them very quickly, but play around, and practice.
You won't really be targetted .. no other skills are even necessary for this to be efficient, even with only barrage on your skillbar (and maxing expertise and marksmanship as muich as possible), they will fall quickly. Possibly the first elite you buy?



Major-General Awesome

Join Date: Aug 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew HQ - Event Organiser and IRC Tiger

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If you are into farming, doing Trolls with the 250% scroll gets you ALOT of exp really quick. Also, clear FoW a few times with 2 of your most trusted friends :P



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


This is how I’ve achieved it with 3 new Factions characters:

I XP farmed each area on Noob Island to the maximum each area would allow. Followed just the primary quest to open gates/next area to allow XP farming of the mountain Yetis to achieve level 20. Then completed all quests on Noob Island.

Travel to main Island and took mission to Tyria. Completed all desert, Shiverpeak and sometime Fire Island missions to skill cap required elite skills.

Travelled back to Factions and followed just the primary quest/missions to completion.

I now have a monk, Nec and ranger with all Prophesies and Factions non-elite skills, (primary profession only), and I am now taking a warrior through as well.

Now all I have to do is to cap the outstanding Prophesies and Factions elite skills


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by Xorena
Anyone know? My husband and I are trying to get all of the skills, I just want to hear what everyone's opinions are on the best/fastest way to get all of the skills. After we get all of the skills we plan to pvp (we want to have all builds available to us).
If you're going to start PvP after unlocking all skills, its going to be a very long time before you get to PvP.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Its arguable what the fastest way to get skills is..but the best is definately in PvE, buying skills and capping the elites. Someday, if you decide that you don't want to play PvP characters and want to use a PvE character, you'll have to buy/cap the skill after you've already bought it with faction. And trust me, that turns out to be a serious pain when you need a lot of skills..I need to do the Ring of Fire missions AGAIN just to get Restore Condition and Shield of Deflection.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Beguine Guild [BGN]

As somone that has UAX'd for both Factions and Prophecies here are some tips/advice.

* UAX takes time. I purchased a 2nd Prophecies-only account to see how long it takes to UAX. Result, about 500 gameplay hours. After UAX on Prophecies adding the Factions skills will take another 150-200 hours. Figure about 700 hours of gameplay, or 2 hours a day for about a year.

* An easy way to get 55 or so skills in Factions is to make a character, enter the Monestary, get 50 gold (quest/gold farm/beg/etc), buy a skill from the skill trainer, delete the character and do it again.

* Play monk primaries. Monks have the easiest time getting into missions which result in skill points.

* Zaishen Challenge Faction Farming. The Zaishen Challenge gives out 1K Balthy faction per 24 hours. Build a trapper and do the Zaishen Challenge every day. It only takes 8 flawless wins (20 minutes) to get the daily cap.

* When buying skills with Balthy Faction, buy the elite skills found at the end of the game first and work your way back. That way your PvE grind to the end so much.

* Unlocking skills in Faction becomes expensive. Expect to use up an easy 100K+ gold doing this.

* Don't wait until you have all the skills before you PvP. Obtaining all the skills only to find that you don't care for PvP is a waste of time.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Use Balt Faction only to unlock ELITES. Its a total waste to buy normal skills with it as they can be picked up at skill trainers.

Like the guy above me, start with the elites that take time to cap (Like Restore Conditions and such). Don't unlock the easy elites to get - they are better to get in pve.

UAX minus elites is as easy as having the money to do it...Elites take the harder ones with Balt Faction like we said, and cap the rest.

Also for the Challenge thing, Earth ele can solo the IWAY team just as easy as a trapper - and it takes 6 1/2 matches (from my counting) to reach the cap. Thats a free elite every 3 days.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Use Balt Faction only to unlock ELITES.
And perfect upgrades + Superior runes. If you decide not to farm, you will have a lot of those still locked even after you have all skills.