Dwindling Green Drop Ratios in the Elites
Well, I wouldn't put it past them to lower drop rates further in older areas as a new release comes out. However, in the two elites I don't think that's possible since everyone knows that 3 greens drop from the bosses. Don't think the drops are random though, unless someone cares to prove it with a large enough statistical sample. You may have the nerf.
i done deep 14 times till now, first time i got axe, second time i got mallet, and i never got a green after that.
in one of my runs one person got both edge and axe (that was really unfair, 12 players waiting for a green drop then one person gets both the worthy ones)
in one of my runs one person got both edge and axe (that was really unfair, 12 players waiting for a green drop then one person gets both the worthy ones)
I went to Urgoz itself once...and got nothing.
The other 10 times I just lagged out. Stopped going there...too much time needed and no hoped of not lagging out.
I tell you: lag is killing the game. I think those free MMORPGs have less lag :s
The other 10 times I just lagged out. Stopped going there...too much time needed and no hoped of not lagging out.
I tell you: lag is killing the game. I think those free MMORPGs have less lag :s