questions about warriors

Brandon Heat

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Millennion X


Knight Armor [absorbs 3 damage]

does it stack?

Warrior Rune of Absorption

does it stack?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Absorption runes are global, but do not stack - as with all runes. If you have two absorption runes, only the benefit from the greatest will be counted; the other will be wasted.

Knights armor is now (as of a very recent update) non-global. It is determined piece by piece. If you have Knights boots, the damage reduction will only be factored in if you get hit there. If you get hit in the chest, for example, then the absorption isn't counted - only the armor on the chest matters.

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


Exact.. the time of glad's set+knight's boots is finally over! Didn't make sense in first place, gj Anet.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Due to a recent update, Knights armor only gives you the 3 points of damage reduction if it is physical damage and you were hit in the area that you had knights armor on. Eg: You get hit in the arm and take 12 damage, if that damage was physical and have knights gloves, you will only take 9 damage. If you took elemental damage or did not have knights armor on your arm you will still take the full 12 damage.

You only need 1 absorbtion rune (lucky newb* ppl get sup absorbs for 1.5k but i got mine for 55k. I feel sorry for the ppl who paid 100k!?!) because they do not stack. The effect is global, meaning where the rune is placed and where you get hit does not matter. The effect does not stack, which is good because all your other armor slots should be runed (weapon, vigor, strength, tactics)

*Newb as in someone new to the game, not to be confused with noob.

Hope that helps.