I'm having trouble connecting to the game - clicking on GW icon, grey connection screen opens and then nothing - not a sign of anything happening connection wise. Tinternet is working fine and I've re-started a few times but nada...
Any ideas? Hmm, I beat the game finally last night lol is that why I can't connect?
Will try once more then I'll be forced to live in the 'real' world for a few hours
Connection Problem :(
I am also currently experiencing this problem, i just moved form one country to another..does this have anything to do with it?
V odd... things are working fine now for me, I've not moved or anything not changed any settings gamewise or pc wise... oh hum, it got me out the house for a few hours. gl hope yours sorts itself out
Frank Ew
Grrr just got disconnected err=7 and can't connect anymore .... problems with GW servers ?!
Having problems too at this moment. I can usually connect without problems but I lag out and d/c(err=7) in less than 2 minutes.
I have to say 'touching wood' I have never err=7. Bang there goes my clean sheet, but no I have had this prob today and a few data repair archive messages but no err 7's. Can I get a title for that?