where can i get max damage Sephis, serpents??
ive been searching but with no answers, someone told me that in gates of kryta but there are not max damage, so were(area, mission etc) can i get max sephis drops?
Actually I have gotten 2 "real" close to max dmg sephis axes in gate of kryta mission....One was 6-27 14^50 30hps the other was 6-27 13^50 20/20....one from a chest and one from a shadow...both gold btw. I seen a pic of a max dmg one drop there too. Other than that I would suggest the shadows south of Temple of Ages or any other place where high lvl dead hang out.
guildwiki.net says that the Serpent Axe is a rare drop, but apparently doesn't drop in one specific location or from a certain monster. It says low level ones drop on Shing Jea Island, probably from Naga. Now following that wim you might try heading to the Jade Sea areas and punching some high lvl Naga in the teeth for a while. I'm just throwing out ideas here though, I won't make any promises that you'll get a Serpent Axe from Naga but if I was trying to farm one I'd definitely start there just to check.