Take a look at this spelling



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

On the computer.

We Have No Life [KiK]


PVE trall farming build.


tactics 16
Axe mastery 9 (or the minimum required of your axe)
Healing 7 or 8
strengh 10

Skills Set

Cyclone axe
Gladiators defence {elite}
Cyclone axe
Bonnetis defence
disciplined stance
Dorlyak signet
heal sig
heal breese

this is VREY easy. when you tak eaggro, run Glad defence, heal breese, and cyclone axe for adrenaline. when Glad def ends, you shoud have enouth adrenaline for bonnetis defence. run bonneties for energy, use heal brese, then run disciplined stance. while in that stance, use heal sig and cyclone axe for adrenaline. run bonneties again, use healing breese and run Glad defence that should be recharged by this time. the whole point is that the mobs will suicide on your glad defence. as long as you manage to keep heal brese up all the time you should be ok. the dorlyak sig is there just in case if you will screw up and loose bonnetis while all other stances are recharging. but if you use bonneties properly it will not happen.
tell me this is not the worst spelling you have ever seen...

calls trolls "Tralls"
strength is "strengh"
he's got cyclone axe in his build twice
dolyak signet is "dorlyak"
breeze is "breese"
very is "VREY"
take aggro is "tak eaggro"
enough is "enouth"
spells bonneti's wrong every time...

i dont mean to be a jerk(or maybe i do) but man, people just refuse to check their spelling before actually posting such things...




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

If this is a concern, I would suggest PMing the person you had in mind and discussing it with him/her.