Wrong Face Scars???

Rex the Unloving

Rex the Unloving

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

California, U.S


I thought this was weird but i just noticed when i bought the 15k Kurz Face. The image of the Luxon Face Scar in the inventory is Kurzick, and the image of the Kurzick Face Scar is Luxon, theres a picture to get a better look of the resemblence. Dunno if this was posted before.

what the heck, whats up with this -_-

X of Thulcandra

X of Thulcandra

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"Deal with it."

Just kidding, but it should be a pretty easy fix. ^^



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


im confused..



Major-General Awesome

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wow...thats a bit of a screw up. I suppose if you put it in suggestions or something it'll get fixed.....

Rex the Unloving

Rex the Unloving

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

California, U.S


i mean its not a big deal, i was just hoping more people notice. also the 15k canthan face scar (On Face) looks the same as the non 15k version (In Inventory). I dont have it yet. but when i do ill post it, unless someone else can lol. anyway dont make a big deal out of this, just wanted to let people know. and yes it does look like a big deal the way i make it, or does it. i dont know what im talking about. yes. i dont know.

Dark Tykane

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haha thats funny stuff

Rex the Unloving

Rex the Unloving

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

California, U.S


man i just thought about it, what if kurzick 15k armor (on body) looked like 15k luxon armor! (in inventory) omg everything is so weird! because im making it weird. dude seriously. i dont know.

Dark Tykane

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Originally Posted by Rex the Unloving
man i just thought about it, what if kurzick 15k armor (on body) looked like 15k luxon armor! (in inventory) omg everything is so weird! because im making it weird. dude seriously. i dont know. If that is true than I've been mislead and my whole life is a lie (!!!

Rex the Unloving

Rex the Unloving

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

California, U.S


what if coke was really pepsi, and pepsi was really dr pepper, and dr.pepper was really coke! nooooo! (ill get the cathan screenshot tomorrow if i can.)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



Is there a bug with the scars or something? My necro has 3 scars and while the descriptions aren't affected, unlike Rex's there, I noticed last night that when she wears them, it looks different than the pattern icon (eg. 15k Luxon still says Luxon and looks like it in inv. but looks like 15k Kurzick when she wears it). I know it wasn't like this before but I haven't played her in a few days so can't say when it started happening. Anyone else affected by this problem?

Ventius Hozza

Ventius Hozza

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you know what I can't work out? How necros can change the scars embedded on their face so easily by shoving a piece of parchment over it..., it's like cutting your knee open, and a couple of weeks later, saying "I don't like this scar" , drawing a different one on a piece of paper and putting that one on instead... weird.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Urmm ... I don't get it. The name matches the pattern that matches the face. What's the problem? The only thing that says the Luxon scar is "Kurzick" is the added green text. Why did you label the Luxon scar pattern as "Kurzick", and vice versa??

Ventius Hozza

Ventius Hozza

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London, UK

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Originally Posted by gosl
Urmm ... I don't get it. The name matches the pattern that matches the face. What's the problem? The only thing that says the Luxon scar is "Kurzick" is the added green text. Why did you label the Luxon scar pattern as "Kurzick", and vice versa?? Take a look at the scar and the one diagonal from it.

The kurzick scar pattern looks like the icon of the luxon one and vice versa.

Rex the Unloving

Rex the Unloving

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

California, U.S


Heres the canthan version. Drew more arrows, hope i dont confuse more people lol.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Heavenly Shadows [milf]


I hope this gets resolved soon! I am just about ready to get my 15k Luxon scar pattern for my Necro. I usually go Kurz but for Necro the Luxons looks much better (IMHO). I don't want to spend 15k and end up with the opposite of what I bought!!!