What can I do about this Dead Guild?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006




I am in a guild that has about 9 members. 1 member hasn't logged on in 9 months, 1 in 8 months, 3 of them in 2 months, 1 in 3 weeks, and 2 in 2 weeks. I'm on everyday. I'm not an "officer." I know that if the leader hasn't logged on for 60 days then the next officer in line takes their place. So my question is, if no one has logged on in 60 days (the leader is the one in 2 weeks), which seems to be probable, do I take the leadership? I'm not sure if because I'm not an officer if I qualify, beings that the entire guild is dead. I would like to inherit it and clean house. It has a hall and cape. I also like the guild name/theme. It would be a seriously cheap way to aquire a guild, cape, and hall! Could someone answer this question for me. If I can't inherit,then I'm leaving to look for a different guild.

Gustav Gloomp

Gustav Gloomp

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Sydney, Australia

i hav no idea, but if u wanna take leadership, ask the leader next time hes online whenever that may be and he would probably allow u to become leader for a small price or maybe even free.

Derrick the Nomad

Derrick the Nomad

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

The Gear Trick


I would agree that your guild is dead.

However you have no current way to "inherit" the guild. Do you at least have a forum so that you may ask the leader?

Otherwise your clinging to a dead boat. I would suggest you seek out a guild that suits you -There are many great guilds out there that are looking to grow. I know my current guild is looking for more daily players.




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

Do you really want a dead/empty guild? It is a lot of work to build one up from nothing. It may be far easier to just move on.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Raptor Five


Think YOU have problems? I recently kicked a LOT of people from my guild who haven't logged on in 2-9 months. I have 3 officers (Techically 5 with 2 of them having 2 accounts) and one or two still sign on from time to time. We have 2 new people that are on frequently, but not regularly. I, the leader, am the ONLY one on 99% of the time. I'd leave or disband, but I happen to know one of my officers personally. He'd kill me. >_< I'd recruite, but we have no TS or Vent as I can't afford a server right now. We haven't had enough people on to GvG in a year. I wouldn't mind some guests, but I don't know enough people to help me. Not to mention, we fell out off the ladder a LONG time ago. THAT and none of us ever HoH'd. I'd KILL to have some rank and fame, but with no voice chat or even rank, I'd just be rejected on every try. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my guild and don't want to disband anyway, but I know how frustrating it gets being the only one on at times.

Dark Boden

Dark Boden

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006



TS is free btw Jahuta even though our guild has 11 members we are close freinds and are happy with the guild. we have ts severs for the guild 1 for the leader and 1 for each officer this means that we can always chat 2 each other if we need 2.But we havent got any fame or anything like that and we r trying 2 figure out which alliance we are goin to have



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

time to move methinks.. it is hard to motivate people, when there isnt to much going on in the guild