But After the Recent update to guild wars i am upset to say i may be giving up Guild Wars full stop,
After the Warrior Nerf my last straw has been pulled.

I feel as if a Company that has presented me with a product namely Guild Wars has completly changed its game dynamic since release.
This is NOT and i cannot stress enough... this is NOT something that can be or will be Adapted to. So if your answer to the warrior problem is 'Adapt your going to have to they’ve done it now!' then please PLEASE do not comment in this thread.
Namely I would like to have any guild wars players who feel strongly about the Warrior nerf to comment in here and let Arenanet know how you feel in this one thread.
I have heard from a huge number of players already who will now be giving up guild wars as there is no longer any real way to tank.
The knights boots issue, i could make my peace with as it was a bug in the first place... but even that, as a game developer you do not wait that long to fix a bug after it has been made a prominent part of the game for any real warrior.
If i could say one thing it would be that you will never find this in any other online game, as much as i appreciate and enjoy the way guild wars is run, i have lost all patience with the way they resolve issues, and day by day are destroying the game people bought over a year ago.
You should change the game to suit how players have adapted builds, not destroy everything they have done to make themselves as hard and durable and powerful as they possibly can, and because ARENANET feels some desperate need to destroy the original game i will be leaving Guild Wars and i know for a fact that alot of elite warriors will be doing the same just because of ArenaNet’s slap happy way of dealing with a problem in a product.
I think arenanet have created a fantastic game that has so much potential... but i cant sit here and play a game that is designed by people that think instead of complimenting a player for there ability to take on situations in game, they remove any chance of anyone thinking for themselves by stopping the few things that separate a veteran player from a beginner.
I say again please do not moan about Adapting because this issue is something that cannot be resolved in this way, it is a problem with how ARENANET deals with their consumers, and how they seem to deal with that consumer as a adversary and destroy something a consumer has worked so hard on just because they have decided they don’t want it anymore. This is not acceptable!
I feel upset because I love this game and have devoted so many hours to it, there is nothing I enjoy more in the evening than to sit and play Guild Wars… and I hope every player warrior or not thinks about these issues and how they are dealt with, and how suddenly a subscription for another more polished and professional product seems to become a lot more attractive. Even if that product isn’t as good you are guaranteed to be dealt with as a consumer and have your issue dealt with properly, not have your problems dismissed because Arenanet already have my £59.99 for both products, and there is no subscription to lose. As there would be with any other online game.
There is so much more to be said… I hope that some people will fill in the blanks perhaps that I have missed.
Suffice it to say that I am upset with something I have invested a lot of my time and money in has dismissed the way in which I play the game just because it doesn’t fit with how they want the game to be.
The game is NOT about how they want it to be and how THEY want it to look, it’s about the players who have taken the initiative and had the will power to beat the game. Because you are not beating the game at all your trying to beat the limitations they keep enforcing on you.
If the game got harder and the players remained just as powerful I would not have a problem,
After all was that not the point in the Level 20 Cap ANYWAY!
(Its All about skill they said…) *sigh*
And I Implore you to /sign on this thread if you agree it may not make a lot of difference but id rather attempt to use my voice as small as it is to make a difference. rather than sit back and waste it.
Do what you can...
Thank you for reading.