Hello all,
This is my first post on this beautiful and informative web site. This is for 2 reasons: the first being i am still too noob to help anyone, the second being i am usually the quiet type
Today, however, i find myself very upset. I got scammed. Yes it's my fault for being naive, but the scammer did this well... You see, i saw the 32k he was paying for my sup. Vigor rune. He said he was looking for this and was very happy about it. And so, when he wrote to me "32k right?" (to distract me) i did not see him withdraw the $, and pressed on accept.
As i said, it is my fault. But my honest and somewhat naive nature should not give all the little Experiment V(s) of this world the posibility to do this kind of thing.
Hence, a solution:
What if we had a "Are you sure?" message before each trade is concluded?
It wouldn't harm business and would do a world of good to the nice ppl out there who get scammed. And there are many. I know because I did a mini in-game survey.
Well that's all for now. I hope the makers of GW will see this little message and think my idea worthy.
Thank you all for your time
Solution against Bad ppl
Well the "are you sure" is the equivalent of both people clicking accept. Don't click Accept until you have read all items, checked them again, and checked the price.
I agree and have learned my lesson, but many are still being scammed as we speak and you have to agree that, whatever the situation, when the words "Are you sure?" are noted we pay attention a little more.
I wouldn't mention this if it wasn't a wide spread problem, but i'm affraid it is. Even experienced players have shared with me their experiences of how they got scammed.
I just think a little more would go along way. In programmation, this is so simple to add, where could be the harm in doing it?
I wouldn't mention this if it wasn't a wide spread problem, but i'm affraid it is. Even experienced players have shared with me their experiences of how they got scammed.
I just think a little more would go along way. In programmation, this is so simple to add, where could be the harm in doing it?
Xx Invictus xX
ya an extra little reminder could do no harm just as they added the "ok to sell" on customized or equipped items. Any update im sure they could add it in. But misery ur probably safe now... after that happens ur always extra careful.
Yes, i am safe now , but it just felt so bad i don't want anyone else to have to go through it.
Thx, Xx Invictus xX
Thx, Xx Invictus xX
this has been suggested before