The Wizard:A master of magic, the wizard taps into the forces of the light and of the dark to harm his enemies, help his allies, and manipulate his surroundings.
Average AL: 60
Average Energy(without weapons or foci): 30
Average Energy Regeneration(without weapons of foci): 4
New Concept:Runes: Runes are spells that mark a player, friendly or hostile, as having a specific which can have a variety of functions and may be a passive rune or a rune that must be triggered. A player may not have more than one White Magic Rune and one Black Magic Rune on him or her at a time. Rune's generally affect not only the player they are on, but players around that player too.
Attributes:Magical Aptitude(Primary Attribute):Magical Aptitude deals with Spells that deal with energy gain and the effectiveness of Spells For every point of Magical Aptitude, spells recharge 1% faster. Some skills increase in effectiveness with higher Magical Aptitude.
White Magic: White Magic is drawn from the forces of the light to assisst the Wizard and/or his or her allies. Some skills increase in effectiveness with higher White Magic.
Black Magic: Black Magic is the tapped power of the forces of the dark to unleash untold damages against the Wizard's enemies. Some skills increase in effectiveness with higher Black Magic.
Gray Magic: Gray Magic is an art drawn from powers niether of the light nor of the dark but of a gray zone in between. Some skills increase in effectiveness with higher Gray Magic.
Sample SkillsMagical Aptitude Skills:
Magical Insight - 10 energy, 2 second cast, 45 second recharge
Enchantment Spell. For 30...60 Seconds you gain 2...6 energy every time you cast a Rune Spell.
Inscribed Armor - 10 energy, 1 second cast, 20 second recharge
Enchantment Spell. For every you are affected, you gain +5 AL for 10...30 seconds.
Sacrifice of Runes - 5 energy, 1/4 second cast, 10 second recharge
Spell. Disable all of your Rune Spells for 10...4 seconds. For each Rune Spell disabled this way each member of your party gains 5...30 health.
Ether Rune [E] - 5 energy, 3 second cast, 25 second recharge
Elite Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target ally. While marked with this Rune, nearby have +1...3 Energy Regeneration and +1 Health Regeneration. This Rune is expires after 10...25 Seconds. This spell causes exhaustion.
White Magic Skills:
Rune of Health - 10 energy, 5 second cast, 60 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target ally. When activated, this rune heals all allies in area for 10...60 health and is destroyed. This Rune is activated when a healing spell is casted on target ally.
Rune of Redirection* - 15 energy, 4 second cast, 45 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target other ally. When activated, damage taken by target ally is redirected to you for upto 10...100 damage. This Rune is activated when target ally takes more than 3...40 damage at once.
*originally called Rune of Sealing
Rune of Warding - 10 energy, 2 second cast, 30 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target ally. For 10...20 seconds, nearby allies have a 75% chance to evade ranged attacks.
Runic Mending - 5 energy, 1 second cast, 10 second recharge
Spell. Remove 1 Rune from an ally in the area, and target other ally is healed for 15...70 health.
Runic Healing - 10 energy, 1 second cast, 15 second recharge
Spell. Remove 1 Rune from an ally in the area, and target other ally is healed for 20...100 health.
Runic Restoration [E] - 5 energy, 1 second cast, 10 second recharge
Spell. Remove 1 White Magic Rune from anyone in the area, and target ally is healed for 25...125 health.
Enchantment of Inscriptions - 10 energy, 2 second cast, 15 second recharge
Enchantment Spell. For 5...20 seconds, whenever target ally comes under the effect of a rune, that ally gains 1...3 energy.
Black Magic:
Rune of Blindsightedness - 10 energy, 5 second cast, 30 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target foe. For 5...10 seconds, foes in the area are blinded.
Flashing Rune - 10 energy, 4 second cast, 20 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target foe. When activated, nearby, attacking foes are blinded for 3...7 seconds. This Rune is activated when target foe strikes for more than 5...30 damage.
Rune Strike - 5 energy, 1 second cast, 15 second recharge
Spell. Target foe takes 15...60 dark damage. If that foe is affected by any Runes, that foe takes an additional 5...20 Dark Damage
Obelisk Rune - 15 energy, 5 second cast, 45 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create Rune on target foe. Every two seconds for 4...30 seconds this rune strikes one random foe in the area for 5...40 dark damage.
Runic Blasting - 10 energy, 2 second cast, 20 second recharge
Hex Spell. For 5...30 seconds, whenever target foe becomes affected by a Rune, that foe takes 5...30 damage.
Rune of Distraction - 15 energy, 3 second cast, 45 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target foe. For 5...30 seconds, foes in the area take 20...50% longer to cast spells.
Explosive Rune - 25 energy, 2 second cast, 15 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target foe. When activated, all foes in the area of this Rune take 20...80 dark damage. Moving foes struck by this Rune are knocked down. This Rune activates the next time a Rune affects target foe.
Rune of Impelling [E] - 15 energy, 3 second cast, 20 second recharge
Elite Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target foe. When activated all foes in the area of this rune take 20...75 dark damage and suffer 1...2 health degeneration. For each Rune affecting these foes, they in the area take an additional 5...15 dark damage. This Rune is activated the next time a Rune affects target foe. This Rune is automatically activated after 5...60 seconds.
Gray Magic:
Runic Destruction [E] - 10 energy, 1/2 second cast, 10 second recharge
Skill. Touched target loses the effect of 1...2 Rune(s). You gain 1..3 energy.
Rune of Disenchantment - 25 energy, 4 second cast, 30 second recharge
Rune Spell. Create a Rune on target foe or target ally. Anyone entering the area of this Rune loses 1...3 enchantments and loses 1 enchantment every 5 seconds that the person remains in range of this rune. This Rune is automatically destroyed after 5...15 seconds.
Runic Jump - 10 energy, 1/2 second cast, 10 second recharge
Spell. Target loses the effects of 1...2 Runes and is teleported to a nearby random location. If that target was hostile, that target is dazed for 2...6 seconds.
So, what do you think?
EDIT: hehe, looking back on this i notice some of my irritation at all the Dual Smite builds my guild came up against and lost to this weekend coming out, lol!
EDIT: Alright, I rearanged the new mechanics and the skills so now it should work less like a Ritualist's Spirits. Thankfully in the process I restored some of the original concept I had with Runes