New class you'll be playing?
Yeah I cant wait to see the new armour for the old classes. So 'sins and rits wont be getting new armour? i dont really mind, I kinda left my sin after Shing Jea island and played Factions with my Tyrian Necro. I'll probably play Paragon first, but will try the Dervisher during the weekend, i wonder which god they turn into?
I'll give both a spin, but since the first preview is PvP (and I suck at PvP), I'll still withold judgement until they do a PvE weekend. I assume they will do both since this is what they did with Factions.
I'm going paragon all the way, it seems that the dervish will be overused.... new wammo, anyone?
Paragon will be the main support character if it has the tpe of skills i'm thinking. P/mo, P/Me will both be support chars
Paragon will be the main support character if it has the tpe of skills i'm thinking. P/mo, P/Me will both be support chars
Dj Tano
Ill try both...
Servant of Kali
Originally Posted by newjacksm
So far i bought factions and have a lvl 7 ritualist and its no fun im confused as hell with the skills..
I adore my Rt. I love the skills. And i dont think it's nice when people say "remove Rt cause i dont like it, and i cant be bothered to learn the skills".
What is the point of playing classes that are going to get outdated as the game progresses on? | for new classes, Paragon

I'll give both a shot as secondaries unless I see something that gives me a big incentive to use a primary stat from one of them. I'll probably start with a MoPar.
I shall be playing the Dervish. However, I will try the Paragon. Doesn't seem too thrilling, though.
The one bad thing about being a Dervish, however, will be trying to get into groups. It will be like the Assassin situation; the n00bs will make everyone, who is a Dervish, look bad.
Another thing is those dumb little preteen "goths" will be all "zomg! a hood and scythe! lolz DEATH!" and dye the robes black. -_-
I am particularly interested in being a Dervish because of how unique and amazing they seem.
I also love the long as they aren't black. *rolls eyes*
The one bad thing about being a Dervish, however, will be trying to get into groups. It will be like the Assassin situation; the n00bs will make everyone, who is a Dervish, look bad.
Another thing is those dumb little preteen "goths" will be all "zomg! a hood and scythe! lolz DEATH!" and dye the robes black. -_-
I am particularly interested in being a Dervish because of how unique and amazing they seem.
I also love the long as they aren't black. *rolls eyes*
Male Dervish
Thailii Monkey
ill try the Paragon , but proberly delete it after a few days.
To date, I've been trying to use a primary and secondary that I haven't before to get a feel for both classes at the same time.
I have a W/Mo, N/Me and now a Rt/E.
So that leaves me with Assassin, Dervish, Ranger and Paragon to play with. I don't think the Paragon/Dervish combo will be desireable, so I will likely try to pair up Assassin and Ranger with those two.
Maybe Paragon/Ranger (for ranged supremacy) and Assassin/Dervish (for melee supremacy)...
I have a W/Mo, N/Me and now a Rt/E.
So that leaves me with Assassin, Dervish, Ranger and Paragon to play with. I don't think the Paragon/Dervish combo will be desireable, so I will likely try to pair up Assassin and Ranger with those two.
Maybe Paragon/Ranger (for ranged supremacy) and Assassin/Dervish (for melee supremacy)...
Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
dervish o.o all the way! I want a scythe =) I hope they look cool
I am guessing on what the attributes for the dervish will be.... Scythe mastery Agility (it said that the class will use its agility to dodge attacks as a support fighter) Healing (said it will have self-healing skills) And this one will be whatever its primary class attribute will be. i have NO CLUE what it could be right now... maybe it's agility... maybe its like... "Each point in agility gives you a +1% chance to dodge any attack and to avoid damage) or something like that o.o just a guess. |
I think both of these classes will be great. The dervish is going to fill the melee aoe void. The sythe being a long range weapon should be able to hit mulitple targets. The paragon having shouts to buff the party which cannot be removed. We all know how good charge is.
I don't care about the classes not evolving with each chapter. They give use 2 slots each chapter so none of my slots are wasted. Slots can also be purchased. I just hope there is more than 1 skill bar you can run with these classes unlike the Sin/Rit.
None thus so far, Factions was tbh a disappointment for 50 dollars. Sorry to say it, but a couple pvp/pve missions do not equate to Prophecies' huge amount of content. Anyway, sorry to beat the dead horse. I won't be buying Nightfall until it gets some good feedback, because if Nightfall doesn't cut it with my peers I will be ending my Guild Wars legacy with Factions.
In any case, the Dervish look nice.
In any case, the Dervish look nice.
Alotia Slipfeet
Both, although I much more interested in what the ranger amour is going to look like
Probably a dervish, but after the letdown that was assassins, I'm not getting too excited unless I like it AFTER playing it.
Originally Posted by Nevin
I'm going strictly core professions. Only the core professions move on through each Chapter. So whats the point of wasting a whole character slot on a profession I use mostly for PvP anyways..
Kais Unduli
I'll try both of them out, but the paragon seems more suited to the style I play then the dervish does. I already have 2 melee characters (warrior and assassin) so I don't really need another.
Of course, after the preview I could totally change my mind on the subject.
If I don't make one of each, then I can finally start a necro.
Of course, after the preview I could totally change my mind on the subject.
If I don't make one of each, then I can finally start a necro.
I'll try out both if they have a PvE preview weekend. As far as permanent characters go when chapter 3 is released, I haven't decided if I'll buy chapter 3. If the PvE portion gets positive reviews and I buy it, I'll probably stick with the core classes since they're supported in all chapters, unless either of the new classes really rocks my boat.
Neither. No sense in bothering with either class if they arent gonna progress past the current chapter they're in.
I'll be playing Warrior with various secondaries/builds, capping skills like mad, as always. =)
I will probably try a dervish, they seem like natural farmers, The paragon seems more like a pvp kinda profession so I don't think I will make a primary. I might change my monk's secondary to paragon so I can get the skills.
Zorian Direspell
If I had to choose one, I'd pick Dervish, but I'm generally not too excited by these two classes. I think whether or not I'll pick up the next chapter will depend upon the skills it adds for the core classes.
eternal pho
Neither seem to be worth making.
Im gunna try out both
Paragons look good but dervishs look FAT
Paragons look good but dervishs look FAT
I'll probably delete my Warrior (if required) and try them both out a little... but I'll definitely be sending my assassin after both classes to see how quickly they can be dispatched.
And yes, everyone... you should all delete your assassins. Every one. Until I'm the last one standing. With some time and practice, I've found the assassin capable of taking out most any character solo in a hurry, with the exception being those build specifically designed for anti-melee. If the new classes have this degree of latent power hidden in them then they both have great potential to be a LOT of fun.
I'll admit to have found myself bored with my Rit... but only because I can't decide which build to stick with. This is no fault to the Rit, just the Rits driver.
And yes, everyone... you should all delete your assassins. Every one. Until I'm the last one standing. With some time and practice, I've found the assassin capable of taking out most any character solo in a hurry, with the exception being those build specifically designed for anti-melee. If the new classes have this degree of latent power hidden in them then they both have great potential to be a LOT of fun.
I'll admit to have found myself bored with my Rit... but only because I can't decide which build to stick with. This is no fault to the Rit, just the Rits driver.
Dervishes will appear in droves, no doubt about that 
Scythe, hood and holy/death = winning combo to attract everyone

Scythe, hood and holy/death = winning combo to attract everyone

most likely I will try out the Paragon and see how it plays.
^ Paragon I think. But only after I've played through with my Ranger, Monk, Warrior, and maybe even my mesmer....
I wonder how many people will use the word Death in thier Dervish Names?
THe Paragon seem's interesting enough. Kind of like a Ranger but with Shouts like a warrior. I am also thinking of skills like thoes of a Paladin from Diablo II mixed with an Amazon.
As for my RIT I will continue playing my Rit even if they no longer suppot her with new skills.
THe Paragon seem's interesting enough. Kind of like a Ranger but with Shouts like a warrior. I am also thinking of skills like thoes of a Paladin from Diablo II mixed with an Amazon.
As for my RIT I will continue playing my Rit even if they no longer suppot her with new skills.
Shouts FTW. But I am definitaly going to look at both skill sets and primaries.
Vlad Mortuus
Originally Posted by GloryFox
I wonder how many people will use the word Death in thier Dervish Names?
THe Paragon seem's interesting enough. Kind of like a Ranger but with Shouts like a warrior. I am also thinking of skills like thoes of a Paladin from Diablo II mixed with an Amazon. As for my RIT I will continue playing my Rit even if they no longer suppot her with new skills. |
Thats actually what I thought of when I read the paragon's description. Definately the choice i will be making to try it out
The Paragon everyone seems to think its weak how can you know you havent played it jet.
(the idea about proffesions is to combine them with eachoter)
like a dervish with a smiter monk would make it even stronger against groups like its said its a ''group killer'')
a monk can be strong as well people say: that there weak against others and that they shouldend fight well I played with a smiter monk in alliance war and pwned up to 3 people a time :P
(you cant take out this monk so fast muhahha
every proffesion has got something that makes it strong the paragon wont be much different
(the idea about proffesions is to combine them with eachoter)
like a dervish with a smiter monk would make it even stronger against groups like its said its a ''group killer'')
a monk can be strong as well people say: that there weak against others and that they shouldend fight well I played with a smiter monk in alliance war and pwned up to 3 people a time :P
(you cant take out this monk so fast muhahha
every proffesion has got something that makes it strong the paragon wont be much different
Parson Brown
I always enjoy the caster/support classes, so it figures I'd like the Paragon more, but I'm intrigued by the Dervish. I'll wait to see the overall landscape of Nightfall first.
Dervish only. I don't want to be a fairy.
Which means now I can make an Ele! WOO!
Which means now I can make an Ele! WOO!
unholy guardian
defiantly dervish, i made my own wallpaper for it lol
both for me, see which one i like and go from their.
J snukka
ill be trying out both. First the Dervish though.
Vahn Roi
The possibility that both the Dervish and Paragon will be bound to Nightfall and not have any new content in future chapters makes me less eager to play either.
Nonetheless I will try both classes even if I don't decide to persue either.
Nonetheless I will try both classes even if I don't decide to persue either.
Dervish. I'll be saving 10k faction to unlock a great build for it. Hopefully this 'turn into a god' thing is worthwhile, and not just 'generic god #6', so you can select one of the existing gods. Melandru FTW.
Dervish all the way, right after I saw the new class name I went and reserved a name for one, Devilish Dervish. Its a bit of a tonge twista but I like it.
Dervish, hope the god skill is worth the graphics