Ok, I know this might sound picky. However this is just how I feel when I see the female Paragon. Isn't she Elementalist?? I mean, new classes are great and all, but shouldnt there be some differents between classes that can be tell in the first sight?? Without the armor Ele have the biggest *cough* upper figure, Mes and Ranger's body look alike, Nec's upper figure is slightly smaller then Mes and Ranger, War clearly have a more vigorous, and Monk is the flatest in ch1, Assassin hit the new low and earn the name iron board, Rt is about the same rank as Mes and Ranger. What are the differents for the 2 new class?? I mean in physical figure. I do understand it might be hard to come up with new body type for charactor, since this is a Fantasy game. I doubt you can make those extreem body figures. Well as a man, I guess I need to come up with something dirty....Howabout those body figure in DOA(Dead or Alive) its a Xbox360 game, Their female are the fantasy type with *cough* very unbelievable huge *cough* upper figures. |
Ok, making fun of my own request is not a good idea=P Fine~
Who want each classes, male or female, have different body figures from each others