Judging people by looks..? (s0z bit of a rant!)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


I have to say, a few days ago I got inspired to make a rit. The char was going to be female as I am, no insult here - but I dont want to be a guy if I have the choice - so I make a name in my head and hope I can have it.. I go thru the create a char motion, but wow! Is that not the ugliest char ever? All of the female rits look, well not good. I have a few words to describe but I'll get a goredengine or a ban if I put it here.

Is it not possible to create a char: say a rit then when you go for hair/face be able to pick from the war/mo/mes/ele/ass/ra faces?

I'm a finickey bugger and if name isn't 'right' and my char doesn't look 'right' I usually delete by lev 8. Only exception was getting to lev 20 in Fac, on the palace mission and in a fit of rage deleting the char for not being right...

Yeah ok, look are not everything, but... come on some of the faces available are just so not nice. I went thru the game today and made a male m/w/r/r/m/e every male/female combo and there are some that are plain not right... they look so odd.

And there should be a game (or forum on this site) for faction points if we can name the celebrity the face is pinched off... James Marsters, John Travolta, Nicole Kidman step forward...

Some of the poor people you can create would be serving time in the sanatarium... !!

I just want the next game to let us interchange faces/hair...

And.. an added thought...

In NWN which I am a huge fan of I loved the idea of being able to craft a item of clothing, like a cloak, then see what your char looked like with it on before shelling out all your hard earned dough/materials on an item which you didn't like. How many of us have gone for an item costing xx amount only to find it wasn't that good looking...

And moral of story looks are not everything, but I want my char to look good and play great.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

House of Caeruleous [HoC]


In terms of the armor reviewing, i think there are some sites on the internet that have flash animations or some sort allowing you to. i think, i have not used one, but im not sure...

There are some dlable ones too, but be careful of those.

as for the global face pool, as I shall now call it henceforth, i agree. Shouldnt be THAT hard. too picky for me, but it would be a cool "further the personalization" feature if it could be implemented.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


IMO - people feel really personally about their char, the naming process the time you take to play....the way you go fw'd or back...It makes you feel like you have a say...

In a few other games I have played you can 'generate' a name, looks, prof...but i think when you can pick yourself you get a whole new feeling for your char and the game.

I like being able to pick facial looks, if I want to be happy and fit as a fiddle with a pert bust then I will, if I want to be a boss-eyed ugly bint I will, a heroic male god, or a podgy slob... I like to have a choice...

That's all I mean...and not meaning males cant have a pert bust or be ugly as a bint...

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Most all of the faces they made for Factions Blow :\

I agree to that part.

Kai Nui

Kai Nui

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Behind you with a knife

Celebrity Gangsters [FamE]


Yeah, I haven't made one PVE factions character, yet I did make a necro female prophecies recently. Prophecies is more fun anyway, although it is a drag to go for survivor title. Factions has less faces, and of those, they suck hard. ANet really pulled a downer on us.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I always visit the following site to look at armor options and character types before making a new character. Gives me a good idea of what my character will end up looking like later on...




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Prophecies IMO is more fun and a better look of chars, dont get me wrong I have played Facts loads and also completed but its a lot more dull (not to do with faces/hair etc). Going to now visit above mentioned site to try and build a good looking kick arseing char...



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

This has been discussed before in some shape or form. I think it would be a great enhancement to be able to preview what a particular piece of armor would look like on your character before deciding to purchase the item/set. The current display from the Armor Crafter is not very clear and quite tiny. Yes, you can go to this site (or others) to review screen shots of someone who has already purchased the armor, but is this necessarily the best way?

Additionally, since a lot of players try to make their favorite PvE character PvP ready, it would be a great feature for some character modification ability such as to change the hair-style or color, character height or other customization abilities. For example, maybe their character has a new piece of armor and wish to change the appearance of the hair to compliment the entire look. Maybe the team or guild would like to have a uniform appearance, besides the cape, when they PvE/PvP/GvG. The possibilities are endless.

Of course their may have to be a nominal fee from a particular NPC merchant for such services.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


agreed with chief - armor pics are so tiny -

Paying 15k each piece for multiple armor pieces is a lot of cash even to the richest players, seeing a better pic or a shot of how u look in it would be far better, changing hair face etc yes too, but only with a better selection to pick from. some are very poor, rits and asses... bottom of the bucket.

Would rather have no choice in my sex/race/prof/hairstyle than end up with a dodgy fem rit that looks like a hippo. No wonder their faces are hidden

Ryn Tyn Tyn

Ryn Tyn Tyn

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

I've liked most of the female face choices in Factions. But the other day I wanted to make a Mesmer and found out I didn't like any of the tiny selection you can even pick from. There was only like 6 faces to choose from and hair! Anyway I tried to pick the one I liked the most but I got the char to lvl 3 and just did not like the looks so deleted and made an Ele.

I agree with the OP, if I don't like the looks or name of a char, I just can't play it.

I Mean I

I Mean I

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

in my guild hall afk

Ar Vin Pvp[AMp]


of course.Rt have a special skill:"make me warrior"

oh and is not photoshoped or something i saw the guy twice in ha standing there and chatting maybe someone else had saw him and can confirm that is not photoshoped



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


To each is own most definately! I love the female ritulist look - I have one that reminds me of an actress that was "envy on first sight" (I am a married straight woman) when I saw her playing second fiddle on a TV show called "Bones" here in the US.

My ritulist characters looks is the only reason I have not delete her yet.