Why haven't 55's been nerfed yet?

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

Honestly, I don't see how ANet can go around nerfing random skills and classes and let the "invincable monks" remain untouched...

This build can farm virtually anything, and do it with ease. No other build can farm like the 55 can. These builds are exploding and I'm sick of seeing level 10's at droknars asking for power levelers.

They just pay people to run them as far as they can get, then pay someone to power level them. Then go out and farm monsters that most other builds really couldn't, and get rediculous amounts of money. It's not fair and I think this build needs to go.

Not to mention almost all gold bought on ebay are produced by bots running these builds.

Don't tell me I'm just mad I don't have. one. I can make one at any time, and can easily afford one. I don't want one though. Why? Because If I'm going to farm I want to do it with the character I use. This game is flexible enough where I should be able to do almost anything with just one character, as long as I put the right thought into it and use the right build.

The 55 build is not balanced, and is just too easy for bots to farm with, and ruins the concept of an RPG all together. 55's are just money makers, not even played for fun or enjoyment for the most part. I know I'll get flammed by all the people who use this build, which is probably most people on this forum, but the truth is self evident. If you want to dispute this build isn't over-powered, name another that can farm all the same places this single one can.

Neriandal Freit

Neriandal Freit

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)

Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]



They are meant to be in the game.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


It doesnt unbalance PvP.

Nerf it and PvErs will get REALLY pissed.

Nerf it and bots will just find another build.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


55s can NOT "farm anything"... Not solo. Their Dmg nowadays is basically from SoJ and maybe Zealot's Fire...Many enemys can just heal through that...Plus Any Enchantment Removal = not farmable basically, and too much degen is also basically = not farmable.

With one exception, Anything a 55 can solo some other build can too...sometimes better...and they can farm things 55s cant. The exception is the UW...which isnt true either SInce I've seen other builds..but its harder and/or slower. Even non-monks must go /mo for 55 build to be effective.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006




Rumor has it the 55 was thought up by a A-net Developer.
Go figure!!!



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


You should read what you wrote before posting it. Why hasnt it been nerfed yet? Maybe because ANet doesnt have a problem with them. ANet has had all the time in the world to nerf them, but they havent. Your power leveling rant has nothing to do with 55 monks. Any class that can solo something can Power level. At droks, not only can a 55 monk power level, But rangers, necro's, warriors, and ele's can too. Anyways, theres gonna be a big flame war in this thread, so im going to close it.