Another one of Lyra's Kooky Concept Classes: RELINQUISHER



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


And now for something completely I know this class concept IS EXTREMELY UNBALANCED. Right now im still tweaking the various attributes to give each line a different "feel", balance can come later. The relinquisher is my idea on how to manipulate something in the game that we often see as a negative: Death Penalty. I also have no idea what the physical "look" of this class might be, so feel free to tell me what you think a relinquisher should look like.Enjoy the read and rememeber its a work in progress.

Give up your ties to this world and gain the powers of beyond!

The relinquisher is the master of sacrifice, giving up aspects of himself and his allies in order to cause harm to his enemies or heal his allies. He is also a master of incantations. Powerful spells with physical afflictions that can cause pain and suffering to his foes. The relinquisher will often cause conditions to himself or his party members to pay for the effects of powerful spells.Unlike the necromancer, whos sacrifices are only physical, bodily sacrifice, the Relinquisher can also give up his soul. By giving up such a sacrifice, the relinquisher is able to cross into the spirit world and fight in an ethereal form.

Primary Attribute: Ethereal Focus
For every point in Ethereal Focus, any DP you gain through skills is reduced via 1% and you lose DP through gaining experience at a +1% rate.

Oath of Stillness: Shout. For the next 8-12 seconds, your next stance costs only 5 energy. This should ends if you move without being in a stance.

Spirit Stifle: Stance: For the next 5-15 seconds, you can ethereal walk. The first enemy you come in contact with will lose speed up to 95% and suffer -5 health degeneration as long as you are adjacent to them. Your ethereal form cannot betargeted by spells and cannot take physical or lifesteal damage, nor can it cast any skills. Your main body has a 75%chance to evade all attacks. During this stance, your corporeal body has a -3 health degeneration and -2 energy degeneration. Spirit stifle ends when your corporeal body is knocked down, the stance ends, your corporeal body loses all your energy or your corporeal body loses all your health. When this stance ends, you are left with 50-120 health and return to your corporeal body.

Deathly Sleep: Stance: For the next 10 seconds, you can ethereal walk. While in this stance, your corporeal body has zero health and cannot be targeted and lays on the ground. Your ethereal form has 100% evasion and blocking and cannot be knocked down and has -20 armor vs elemental damage. While in this stance, your spells cost 10 less energy to cast. Once this stance ends, your body is revived with +15% DP and only 50% health.

Sacrificial Bow: Stance: For the next 10 seconds, you gain -1-5% less DP for every sacrifice skill you use.

Spiritual Surrender: Every point in surrender increases the level of surrender skills, skills that sacrifice to heal or protect.

Sight for Energy: Spell: All melee characters in your party become blind for 8-5 seconds. For every blinded member of your party, all party members gain +2 regeneration for 10-12 seconds.

Borrowed Strength: Spell: Target ally gains the conditions deep wound and weakness for 10-7 seconds. While target ally is affected by said conditions, you gain +3 energy regeneration.

Surrender Myself: Skill: You gain +10% DP. All party members gain health regeneration of +5-8 and energy regeneration +3-5 for 10-14 seconds.

Soul Burden: Skill: You gain up to +60% DP. The amount of DP you gained is divided evenly and subtracted from your other allies.

Hand in Hand: Spell: All party members lose 5 energy. All party members gain total health based on the total energy lost multiplied by 3-6
Sacrificial Slaughter: Every point in sacrificial slaughter increases the level of slaughter skills, skills that sacrifice to cause pain or suffering.

Stitched Fates: Spell. Lose all your DP. Enemy target gains equal amount of DP for 4 seconds. If Enemy target does not die within 4 seconds, they lose the DP and you regain twice that amount. If the final sum of the DP is over 60%, you lose 100 health.

Aura of Weakness: Enchantment. You suffer from weakness for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, all nearby foes suffer from weakness for 15 seconds. If this enchantment is removed before it ends, you lose 10% health.

Sacred Heresy: Every point in sacred heresy increases the chance of recharging a incantations by 1% for every point in it. It also increases the level of incantation spells for every point.

Renegade's Chains: Incantation Spell: Target enemy gains attack speed of +25% (non-stacking) for 6 seconds. After 6 seconds, if this incantation was not removed, it ends and enemy target cannot attack for 10-15 seconds.

Cockatrice Kiss: Incantation Spell: Target enemy gains movement speed of +25% (non-stacking) for 6 seconds. After 6 seconds, if this incantation was not removed, it ends and enemy target has 95% slowdown for 10-15 seconds.

Cursed Signet: Target foe's maximum energy drops by 50% for 8-10. You lose equal to that amount in energy.

Word of Mistrust: Incantation Spell: Target enemy gains energy regeneration of +4. After 7 seconds, if this incantation is not removed, it ends and enemy loses all energy and suffers -4 energy degeneration for 4-8 seconds. If the enemy target reaches zero energy before the incantation ends, it does nothing.

Wish Upon A Star: Incantation Spell: For the next 3 seconds the next Fire or Lightning spell used by any party member does +30 damage. If no spell is cast within 3 seconds, you lose 20% health.

Painted Target: Incantation Spell: Target enemy can has 75% chance of evading all attacks. After 6 seconds, if this incantation is not removed, it ends and enemy target cannot evade or block for the next 10-15 seconds.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



Gooooo Lyra!
Sacrifices your body for us.

And I want female relinquisher to use "Cockatrice Kiss" on me.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by actionjack
Gooooo Lyra!
Sacrifices your body for us.

And I want female relinquisher to use "Cockatrice Kiss" on me.
Oh you're so bad!! >.< now give me some proper feedback :P



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


bump for some tweaks...

Jin Of Stealth

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Elite Misfits United


Very nice, although i think using soul burden and then stitched fates just before you kill an enemy will just get rid of yours and most of ur party's DP. Meh everything is well thought out though. I'm now waiting for the stupid monks to take off some of your conditional sacrifices before they wear off to get the full effect, lol.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sentients of Shadow (noir)


I think the conditional skills that give enemies bonuses then come back and bite them later are awesome. Would be nice to see more interesting twists on hexes like you created in the actual game. Kudos from me, overall I like the concept. I'm just concerned about playing around with DP, since thats a pretty set in stone and powerful field effecting. Skills that manipulate death penalty could be overpowered. However being able to invoke the effects of DP for a short time would be pretty interesting. Also a neat skill would be something that allows the reliquisher to take the dp of a fallen character or maybe even transfer DP to himself temporarily. Alot of interesting concepts you have.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Jin Of Stealth
Very nice, although i think using soul burden and then stitched fates just before you kill an enemy will just get rid of yours and most of ur party's DP. Meh everything is well thought out though. I'm now waiting for the stupid monks to take off some of your conditional sacrifices before they wear off to get the full effect, lol.
Well remember none of my skills are marked elite or not, obviously some skill combos will be too powerful, like what you just mentioned

I made the skills that are most interesting to me. Balance comes later



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


The ability to manipulate DP might be a problem in GvG, since it ends once everyone on a team reachs 60%.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



Very Original and Unique. Good Job. (But where is the pot?)

I fear I don't like the primary too much. Also some skill's requirement are too "messy". Also I don't mind adding DP to your self, but would consider not to make decreasing DP skill too powerful. (maybe just make it tempary, where you gain it back after duration is over)

Hope to see more, and where is my Cockatrice Kiss?