Black dye being BLACK dye
Sorry but when we shell out nearly 10k for 1 dye, surely it should look BLACK, not dark GREY!!
Wouldnt it be nice if ya armour looked midnight black instead of a cr4ppy charcoaly grey.
Wouldnt it be nice if ya armour looked midnight black instead of a cr4ppy charcoaly grey.
It depends on the armor.
On some armor it's Black, on some armor it's grey. Deal.
On some armor it's Black, on some armor it's grey. Deal.
For 10k I can think of a better color other than Black.
Chilly Ress
lime green anyone?
On topic, people buy black dye bcs it goes with everything and it looks 'cool'. Also, it never drops! So, the rarity factor comes into play.
On topic, people buy black dye bcs it goes with everything and it looks 'cool'. Also, it never drops! So, the rarity factor comes into play.
I agree, black should be black.
Don Zardeone
I had a lot of black dye drops.
try adding three blacks together.
I hear Two Blacks and a Silver makes an OREO color.
Rakj Grazon
i have a solution...if you dont like the color then dont "shell" out 10k for it. Also wtf is with the semi leet...if your gunna write in leet then plz write in full leet...
sorry nerd man
monk tats are midnight black, spot on, but the armour aint (well judges aint)
monk tats are midnight black, spot on, but the armour aint (well judges aint)

Agreed, black should be black. And btw, black does drop, it's just rare. (Pre-searing dye-farming is probably the easiest way to find black, btw. I've got 4 or 5 on a pre- char I made a month ago.)
I hear Three Blacks and an Orange make a magic flying pony that shoots laser beams from its eyes.
I have 15k canthan armor on my Ranger that is normally a tan color. Silver dye makes it a beautiful white, but black dye makes it charcoal grey. I wasted 40k on black dye to try it out on the armor, then decided it looked like crap and went back to silver dye.

Originally Posted by Beat_Go_Stick
I hear Three Blacks and an Orange make a magic flying pony that shoots laser beams from its eyes.
It's Three Blacks and a Red.

Yeah I got that problem too.
Black on 1.5 Kurzick Necro = dark grey
Black on the Desert Collector = grey
Originally Posted by Chilly Ress
lime green anyone?
On topic, people buy black dye bcs it goes with everything and it looks 'cool'. Also, it never drops! So, the rarity factor comes into play. |
Pink is a manly color.
'nuff said.
'nuff said.
I think the main problem is that often people don't realise which armours take the dye well and which don't. Black dye means research people! There are lots of pages out there showing dye on the different armour for the characters.
I sympathise with the OP though. I got a black dye drop in pre sear with my first chara and - not knowing it was rare - dyed her ascalon top. I still have it.
I think we should have a special 'rage page' in the forums for people to vent their frustrations in!
I sympathise with the OP though. I got a black dye drop in pre sear with my first chara and - not knowing it was rare - dyed her ascalon top. I still have it.
I think we should have a special 'rage page' in the forums for people to vent their frustrations in!
My female rit 15k imperial is dyed:
which equals
grey with a purpleish tint.
which equals
grey with a purpleish tint.
I tried to use a black dye on my 15k warrior luxon armor... it came out purple.
I agree, if I use a black dye, I want to see my armor turn black.
I agree, if I use a black dye, I want to see my armor turn black.
Terra Xin
Originally Posted by Rakj Grazon
a rage forum, yeah that'll be good. Auto thread locking after 1 hour!!! wooo!!!
looks like 'crappy' to me
Honestly, the only point of black dye is for mixing. Why make an active effort to look like everybody else? That is what you are doing when you dye your armor black, in my humble opinion. I guess I'm just tired of seeing tons of characters with black armor.
Originally Posted by capitalist
My female rit 15k imperial is dyed:
Black+black+silver+silver which equals grey with a purpleish tint. |
Lady Lozza
Why do people complain about this? Do you really want armour to dye the same colour regardless of armour type? If you don't like the way that black dye looks on your armour, don't use it! There has been a lot of work done on dyes (mainly two dye mixes) to give gamers a look at how many types of armour dyes. Have a look at it for inspiration, and create something unique for once.
Hell, if you are that concerned about showing off your leet status, then 3x black + 1x other colour would do that, seriously, it's much much more expensive than 1 simple black dye pot.
Why do people complain about this? Do you really want armour to dye the same colour regardless of armour type? If you don't like the way that black dye looks on your armour, don't use it! There has been a lot of work done on dyes (mainly two dye mixes) to give gamers a look at how many types of armour dyes. Have a look at it for inspiration, and create something unique for once.
Hell, if you are that concerned about showing off your leet status, then 3x black + 1x other colour would do that, seriously, it's much much more expensive than 1 simple black dye pot.
Originally Posted by Beat_Go_Stick
I hear Three Blacks and an Orange make a magic flying pony that shoots laser beams from its eyes.

Originally Posted by floppinghog
you realise 2 blacks and 2 silvers is the exact same thing as 1 each?... what a waste that was.
It's black dye (liquid used for staining items, and effected by the color of the cloth already), not liquid-portal-to-the-darkest-corner-of-the-underworld.
Could use a standardization change, but not much else.
Could use a standardization change, but not much else.
black is not a color
For the cheap ones here: If you turn your monitor off, you have nothing but black colors!
Originally Posted by Chilly Ress
lime green anyone?
On topic, people buy black dye bcs it goes with everything and it looks 'cool'. Also, it never drops! So, the rarity factor comes into play. |
GUE Tech
Originally Posted by Slainster
black is not a color
Originally Posted by capitalist
My female rit 15k imperial is dyed:
Black+black+silver+silver which equals grey with a purpleish tint. |
This is the same as Black + Silver just so you know. Psychologically it isn't, but mechanically it is.
Originally Posted by GUE Tech
Black is every color.
Black is the absence of color and white is the blending of all color

Black Dye is interesting and I think it shows a lot of insecurity about people (though not always). Black is the plainest, most dull colour and the most expensive and rarest. However people will use it because if they dye their wammo's FoW a colour other than black, they'll only be 95% leet because its not expensive to the max. Even dragon masks were saturated in black dye at the last event.
Black dye shows up stormy purple on 1.5k pyromancer.
IMO bunches of people dye their armor black because they think it looks "evil" and they want to seem evil. My ele's armor is only dyed black because I like the way it contrasts the white on his robes... and it goes with his hair.

IMO bunches of people dye their armor black because they think it looks "evil" and they want to seem evil. My ele's armor is only dyed black because I like the way it contrasts the white on his robes... and it goes with his hair.
GUE Tech
Originally Posted by Slainster
Black is the absence of color and white is the blending of all color ![]() |
Aside from RGB video, when a pigment reflects a color isn't it actually all the the colors but the color you see.
Like if an object is green, it absorbs all the colors but green, and green is reflected so that is what you percieve it to be, but what color really is it?
So in that case isn't black all the colors absorbed and none reflected? No color reflected would be the absence of color, but the colors not reflected (absorbed) would be all the colors.
Originally Posted by GUE Tech
Sorry I was thinking pigments not rgb. In which case white is red, green, and blue at full intensity together.
Aside from RGB video, when a pigment reflects a color isn't it actually all the the colors but the color you see. Like if an object is green, it absorbs all the colors but green, and green is reflected so that is what you percieve it to be, but what color really is it? So in that case isn't black all the colors absorbed and none reflected? No color reflected would be the absence of color, but the colors not reflected (absorbed) would be all the colors. |
When talking about pigments, white is the absence of color. When talking about light and wavelengths, black is the absence of color.
Originally Posted by Clerihew
I sympathise with the OP though. I got a black dye drop in pre sear with my first chara and - not knowing it was rare - dyed her ascalon top. I still have it. |
Although i recently bought one to put on my 15k kurzick armor.. and yep it came out grey, i agree about that... but it still looks better than the red dye that came out pink, lol.
in pigments.... black = all color.
in visible light.... white = all colors...
Get it right... nublets
(yes i know someone was already corrected, i felt the need to rub it in.)
in visible light.... white = all colors...
Get it right... nublets
(yes i know someone was already corrected, i felt the need to rub it in.)
Tobias Funke
Anyone else think that its rediculous that black dye costs 50-100 times as much as other dyes except silver? It's not like it has any effect on the game. Dying your armor doesn't make it function better; unlike 15k armors which are generally better looking than 1.5k armor, stuff dyed black doesn't look any better than other colors. It's best used as a mixer. I've played the game over a year and have NEVER gotten a black dye drop. I'm not saying dye should be free, but for something 100% cosmetic 9-10K per black dye is plain silly. I fail to see why they felt the need to drive down sup. absorbtion runes prices but not black dye.