question about ranger masks



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


Dyed Black [db]


Ok I was wondering what ranger mask would be best in the long run (meaning working out best when i divide out my attribute points):

Hunters for the +1 expertise
Archers for the +1 marksmanship

i want high expertise (14+) but that can be obtained by almost maxing out expertise then applying a sup expertise or maxing it out and just putting a major expertise. I also want high marksmanship to do quite a bit of damage (dont really know the best number for it tho)

so can anyone help me decide which mask to go for and what runes to apply so i can have high expertise and high marksmanship and balancing out my attribute points?



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by GiZMo
Ok I was wondering what ranger mask would be best in the long run (meaning working out best when i divide out my attribute points):

Hunters for the +1 expertise
Archers for the +1 marksmanship

i want high expertise (14+) but that can be obtained by almost maxing out expertise then applying a sup expertise or maxing it out and just putting a major expertise. I also want high marksmanship to do quite a bit of damage (dont really know the best number for it tho)

so can anyone help me decide which mask to go for and what runes to apply so i can have high expertise and high marksmanship and balancing out my attribute points?
In the long run a +1 to expertise mask. Its very important to keep expertise as high as possible.

On my Ranger its always above 14... I keep it at 16 most the time to get the best effect. As a lot of the builds out there and ones I use myself require careful energy management.

Expertise is the way to go I think.

Oh and we have a Q&A forum, so please post in the right place next time, not Riverside



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


Dyed Black [db]


Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Oh and we have a Q&A forum, so please post in the right place next time, not Riverside
ok sry about that im new to these forums lol but thanks for the info



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by GiZMo
ok sry about that im new to these forums lol but thanks for the info
Its all good, just letting you know.

The only other mask I have is a Traveler's Mask which gives +1 for +1 Wilderness Survival, which is handy for Trapping.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Moved to Q&A

GiZMo, thats the name of my dog heh.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by GiZMo
Ok I was wondering what ranger mask would be best in the long run (meaning working out best when i divide out my attribute points):

Hunters for the +1 expertise
Archers for the +1 marksmanship
You should definitely get both. Why do you want 14 expertise ? How often do you pump out 10e skills in PvE ? I think you should aim for 9 or 13.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Yep, definitely get both. You never know when you might need one or the other. Have the mask on your higher overall attribute so the +1 gains the most 'free' attribute points.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Like with any other profession you need to find a good mix on how you spend your attribute points. Only the headsets (mask, helmets, etc) can have a +1... so it is the only way to reach level 16, using a sup rune of the same type, for a certain skilllevel.

Me too thinks that having level14+ on expertise is unnecessary... on both my barrager and trapper is usually go for expertise level 11. That works out fine for me...

By head these are my settings for my rangers:

Barrager (aminly using a sundering bow, sometimes using a zealous bow):
* Markmanship 15
* Expertise 11
* Wilderness survival 10
* Beast Mastery 5

Trapper (using a +15 energy staff for extra energy):
* Markmanship 2
* Expertise 11
* Wilderness survival 16
* Beast Mastery 7 (needed for spirit and the snipers nest trap)

I achive this by using 2 types of masks (1 for markmanship and 1 for wilderness survival), each having a sup rune of the same kind attached to them. You can switch masks while playing (can be usful in some situations).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Hearts Of Fury [HoF]


Get both, to add flexibility when you switch builds.

For general PvE, I run two major runes (one for marksmanship and one for expertise) and use a marksmanship mask.

And like GODh, I have other masks with superior runes of the same type for more specific builds, such as:

Marksmanship for barrager, Wilderness Survival for trapper, and Expertise for... toucher.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Generally I keep a superior of the profession's unique attribute on the legs, and then have one of each headpiece for the others for flexibility.

For expertise, you relly don't need to pump it more than 14 unless you are using a lot of 15-25 energy skills. The breakpoint for 10 energy is 14, no need to go above that. Now that they lowered the health penalty on majors, I switched my superior expertise to major, and keep superior beast, marks, and wilderness masks to be able to reach 16.