Mayhem In The Market Q



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Nvm, got over my lazyness and did it. Mod can close



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

Melbourne , Australia

Crazy Clan[CRAZ]


You have to do the whole quest talking to all the other guys on the way to the last guy.

I've ran this with a few people in the past and that's what we've all had to do. If you find the last guy and get the quest to meet at Visanah then you can come back to finish the last part however.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In a cardboard box with Internet

The Order of the Frozen Tundra (TofT)


Wait just a second!!!
The people that the quest holder must talk to doesnt have an "!" over there head. Do we stil need to click on them. Is it that easy?


Yesterday, we tried to take Tyrian characters into the Local Quarter of Vizunah Square. Only 2 of 8 were able to get in, and they had been there before. Gaurdsman Pei just tells us to go back to Kaineng Docks and talk to Headmaster Greico.

First off, I have 2 characters that have been in both places. Only 1 character has completed the game. My characters are all past the capitals now. Which means they have passed these missions.

What EXACTLY must a Tyrian charcter do in order to get into Local Quarter?

Like I said we were in a group that had a toon with "Mayhem in the marketplace", and it still wouldn't let us in.

If anyone has figured this out in a step by step way please post here.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Reading. Berks. UK

Midnight Tokers


I believe a Tyrian Character cannot get into the local quarter.
The Local quarter is only for Canthan created players, and the Foreign quarter is only for Tyrian created characters.

Just make sure that when doing the last part of Mayhem in the market that you only have a pug of 1 type of character (Tyrian or Canthan) or you wont be able progress.




Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by maffa
I believe a Tyrian Character cannot get into the local quarter.
The Local quarter is only for Canthan created players, and the Foreign quarter is only for Tyrian created characters.

Just make sure that when doing the last part of Mayhem in the market that you only have a pug of 1 type of character (Tyrian or Canthan) or you wont be able progress.

a canthan character can easily get into the foreign quarter by running there by themselves after doing the mission on local.

a tyrian character can get into local, however, you need to join a pug that does mayhem in the market. i got in it that way, with 5 canthan chars, me and two henchies. i did the quest with them from the beginning. at that point i had no quests from cantha in my questlog and completed the game. however, i do not know what EXACTLY you need to enter it. not that it really matters, but meh.

i never heard of the guardsman not letting the canthans in, normally they go in and you are left behind with the henchies if you are unlucky. if not..meh. i dont know.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In a cardboard box with Internet

The Order of the Frozen Tundra (TofT)


To clarify;

My question is about Tyrian chararcters going into Local Quarter.

The Canthans were able to go in but the Tyrians in the group were not. We did the quest with them (didn't actually click on npc's because no "!" was present)

We had 1 Tyrian Ele that was able to get in but he had been there before.

I am gonna try to "click" the NPC's and see what happens.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Order of the Frozen Tundra (ToFT)


Originally Posted by pkodyssey
The Canthans were able to go in but the Tyrians in the group were not. We did the quest with them (didn't actually click on npc's because no "!" was present)
We took 7 Tyrian's who had already completed Vizunah Square (Foreign Quarter) with a Canthan who had Mayhem in the Market place. We followed the Canthan around as it talked to all the NPCs and finally Gaurdsman Pei. Only 2 of the 7 Tyrian's were shuttled in to Local Quarter, the other 5 were left outside.

It seems there must be some quest/mission you need to complete before being allowed into your "sister" quarter.... looking for an answer on this as well.

Thank you.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I don't think it is a matter of a previous quest as the same thing happened to us. We had two canthan born and 3 tyrians doing the mayhem quest. 2 of the trians were let in, one was left outside. Maybe it is capped at two or it is set to only allow the number of tyrians in based on the number of canthans in the party. Although that wouldn't match with sre's part description.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I don't think it is a matter of a previous quest as the same thing happened to us. We had two canthan born and 3 tyrians doing the mayhem quest. 2 of the trians were let in, one was left outside. Maybe it is capped at two or it is set to only allow the number of tyrians in based on the number of canthans in the party. Although that wouldn't match with sre's part description.