For Nightfall, why not scatter skill quests throughout the game, but also let all skill trainers offer every non-elite skill, thereby combining the Factions and Prophecies systems?
I seem to be in the minority, but I loved the Factions system for getting skills, with trainers who had every skill in the game very early on. My play style is to agonize over the skill list on the wiki, design a build on paper, try it out, and tweak it as needed. In Prophecies this drove me crazy. So often I'd design a build and find out a key skill wouldn't be available until very late in the game. Not until the last 10% of the game, the Ring of Fire, did I have total flexibility.
OTOH I can understand how people like doing skill quests throughout the game, as it gives them a sense of progress and improvement, even after the level cap is reached.
Anyways, there is no reason why Nightfall can't have both. If people get a little happy feeling from doing a quest and unlocking a skill, which they don't get from earning some gold and a skill point, let them have it. But let impatient build-tinkerers like me also have our fun.
Combine the Prophecies and Factions skills systems
Steps Ascending
first problem I see :
elitist ordering you to go buy THAT skill, then another one at the next mission, then another one at the next mission... and so on. Or downright kicking you if you don't have it.
And isn't the fun part of thinkering a build just trying to make the build work without the perfect skill set. (I'm not going to repeat the character evolution since you already mentioned it)
elitist ordering you to go buy THAT skill, then another one at the next mission, then another one at the next mission... and so on. Or downright kicking you if you don't have it.
And isn't the fun part of thinkering a build just trying to make the build work without the perfect skill set. (I'm not going to repeat the character evolution since you already mentioned it)
mmm yea, the factions system is adequate for the factions phisolophy (game for experienced players, quick levelup, get all skills early), but for a first-time player the proph system is much better (gives a sense of advancement and doesn't flood the player with choices too early on). Overall, I think the important part is skill availability is in pace with character level advancement; if nightfall is going for the proph rate, then go the proph system, if it's going factions rate, the use factions system. Me, I'd like to see something in-between in the next chapters. Faster than proph (proph remaining THE one chapter to introduce new players to the game), but slower than factions, which was a bit too quick and shallow in its PvE.
I definitely hope that they go back to the "get skills from quests as you go along" system, but I can see why you would want the option to buy them as well. I don't see the harm in doing both, so...
I certainly hope that the Factions system is kept without prejudice or modification.
...Yes, I'm still sore after the farce that was my first Prophecies character: I was stubbornly determined to make a hydromancer from the start. Guess how well that went.
I love the Factions system. Forget PuG requirements - they're idiots anyway. You can match a vision almost from the start of the game! You can use niche skills without having to wait 3/4 of the game to unlock them*! Awesome covered in liquid awesome sauce!
*My second character, a hammer warrior, badly wanted Bezerker Stance. I got sufficiently sick of having to wait to get to the Southern Shiverpeaks to unlock it that I ended up buying a cap sig and nicking it off a Griffon boss in the desert!
...Yes, I'm still sore after the farce that was my first Prophecies character: I was stubbornly determined to make a hydromancer from the start. Guess how well that went.

I love the Factions system. Forget PuG requirements - they're idiots anyway. You can match a vision almost from the start of the game! You can use niche skills without having to wait 3/4 of the game to unlock them*! Awesome covered in liquid awesome sauce!
*My second character, a hammer warrior, badly wanted Bezerker Stance. I got sufficiently sick of having to wait to get to the Southern Shiverpeaks to unlock it that I ended up buying a cap sig and nicking it off a Griffon boss in the desert!
yeah my first and only prohesies character only made it to kryta before i realised that my character sucked because i had one combo (immolation or w/e arrows and dual shot) and i just lost interest because the storyline was to slow....
HOWEVER in factions it is much faster...but much too controled....and i feel the storyline was scattered and when i got out of the city i was like HALLELUYAH grass the into arborstone there was confusing and controling paths......and thats where i am house zu heltzertrying to cap the skill that will complete my assassin build FINALLY!!!! AoD FTW
HOWEVER in factions it is much faster...but much too controled....and i feel the storyline was scattered and when i got out of the city i was like HALLELUYAH grass the into arborstone there was confusing and controling paths......and thats where i am house zu heltzertrying to cap the skill that will complete my assassin build FINALLY!!!! AoD FTW
Combining them would be a great idea. I don't farm, and so I can only afford to unlock a few skills with my pve character and have spent tons of balth faction so far on non-elite skills. Skill quests would let me unlock skills I don't plan on using in pve, for the sake of completion.