Prophecies took longer because the actual game engine, sound engine, mechanics, etc and graphics are designed from the ground up.
All future expansions use the same engines (with some minor tweaks) so you don't need to spend more time here. This is what takes the longest in development.
Content are just new objects. No new engine, mechanics, etc.
To those who are worried that NF is coming too soon
Originally Posted by Voltaire
Hm, I've never really considered that before. Very interesting. Something about a shelf of Gild Wars makes me happy inside.
Also means they gotta have more of the boxes per chapter due to increased exposure and demand.

i have all my CD keys and CDs in just teh plastic factions box. its a very stuffed happy looking plastic box =)
The Primeval King
Why would they wait? I think it is wiser to sell the new chapter now while people are still interested in guild wars instead of waiting a few more months and have veterans leave because they get bored.
It's definatly coming out too fast for me,
Of course thats becuase I just started playing yesterday and then I find out they are coming out with another expanison pack and i don't even have the Original Guild Wars lol
Of course thats becuase I just started playing yesterday and then I find out they are coming out with another expanison pack and i don't even have the Original Guild Wars lol
Shin Green Carnage
is there even a realease date? i mean how can we honestly complain too early, too late, i dont care we dont even know when its coming out. i mean that would make a difference 2 me. cuz im getting it im that big of a fan and ive only been playing 4 a month, u know so if someone has a true release date please shut me up and post it and also a link.
I think I can help get to the heart of this matter.
I consider myself a casual player (what ArenaNet claims Guild Wars is aimed at). I play, on average, 2 hours a day. My account has 435 hours on it. I play GW after work/dinner/yardwork, and it is how I choose to relax at night. Now, I know there are some people who choose to play 7+ hours a day, and that receives no beef from me.
However, being a person who plays for a few hours a day (granted, I did take about 4 months off), in order to unlock skills/upgrades/runes and keep pace and equal footing with others, I require more than a few months to unlock all of this, expecially when ALL the professions got new skills. I have to play 4 characters through Factions, which takes a few(read: many) days, at my current play rate. This is on top of finishing up Prophecies.
In conclusion, it is a nessesity to have *most* of everything unlocked, and at expanions coming out every 6 months, I do not have the time to get my new characters PLUS all my old ones through, so that they may get *most* new skills as well. I could choose to not buy the new expansion, but think about what a disadvantage that would put me at, as far as skills go?
I consider myself a casual player (what ArenaNet claims Guild Wars is aimed at). I play, on average, 2 hours a day. My account has 435 hours on it. I play GW after work/dinner/yardwork, and it is how I choose to relax at night. Now, I know there are some people who choose to play 7+ hours a day, and that receives no beef from me.
However, being a person who plays for a few hours a day (granted, I did take about 4 months off), in order to unlock skills/upgrades/runes and keep pace and equal footing with others, I require more than a few months to unlock all of this, expecially when ALL the professions got new skills. I have to play 4 characters through Factions, which takes a few(read: many) days, at my current play rate. This is on top of finishing up Prophecies.
In conclusion, it is a nessesity to have *most* of everything unlocked, and at expanions coming out every 6 months, I do not have the time to get my new characters PLUS all my old ones through, so that they may get *most* new skills as well. I could choose to not buy the new expansion, but think about what a disadvantage that would put me at, as far as skills go?