Pets...More Pets/Pet Storage/Pet Skill Bar
Tristan the Impure
Yes I know this isnt WoW, but how many of you have had a pet, gotten it to lvl 20, then had to ditch it and get another one. We got storage for materials, why not pets? And pets having their own skill bar would be a great idea too. Not having to waste a skill on Charm and Comfort leaving you with only 6 skills. A bigger variety of pets would be great too. Lions, Gorillas, maybe some Birds that actually hover instead of the Pheonix that hops like a chicken. Even an area where all the animals were lvl 15 and up but very difficult to cap. I think pets are one of the aspects that are significantly overlooked. I would love to use my ranger with Marksmanship skills and have a powerful pet to tag along. Any thoughts?

I dunno about a pet storage. You'll have animal rights activists all over you if you stick little critters in a box!
I do agree they need to change SOMEthing with pets and probably the entire category of Beast Mastery for Rangers. For one, I think Charm Animal and Comfort Animal should be the same skill. A Ranger has to bring so many skills for their pet to even influence the battle a little. And if they do, they lack serious fundamental concepts in other attributes of Ranger.
It forces Rangers to choose from Wilderness Survival OR Beast Mastery. An Elementalist can choose from 2 elements. A Necro, Mesmer, Monk, Ritualist can choose from 2 of their attributes with no problem, however, it seems to throw Ranger class into a hole.
I do agree they need to change SOMEthing with pets and probably the entire category of Beast Mastery for Rangers. For one, I think Charm Animal and Comfort Animal should be the same skill. A Ranger has to bring so many skills for their pet to even influence the battle a little. And if they do, they lack serious fundamental concepts in other attributes of Ranger.
It forces Rangers to choose from Wilderness Survival OR Beast Mastery. An Elementalist can choose from 2 elements. A Necro, Mesmer, Monk, Ritualist can choose from 2 of their attributes with no problem, however, it seems to throw Ranger class into a hole.
Wow multiple thread spam, this has been asked already called a pet kennel.
The Hand Of Death
I suggested this awhile back. I called it the pet caretaker or something like that. Where you would bring your pets to a guy where he would take care of them (store). The pet would only recognize its owned to prevent level 5 characters getting level 20 pets and there would be a limit pet account of pets able to be taken care of.
It was pretty popular but it never got implemented.
Also had a land capture idea before factions where guild would get rewards for owning the land... I wonder if Anet read it.
It was pretty popular but it never got implemented.
Also had a land capture idea before factions where guild would get rewards for owning the land... I wonder if Anet read it.
I like the idea of character-based pet unlocks. Meaning you can switch between pets you've capped in the past. Each pet would gain levels separately, and the level wouldn't reset when switching back and forth between pets.
It also gives another title possibility for having charmed every pet on the game/continent/whatever.
It also gives another title possibility for having charmed every pet on the game/continent/whatever.
Xenex Xclame
To Start I am a Ranger and i have a Pet , so i dont hate rangers or any of the things that might be said to people not wanting rangers to get improvment.
I have seen this suggestion before and ill say what i said then.
A Pet is suppose to be like a third arm, not as a second player,which means it may not be too powerfull, we should not be able to command it ( maybe apart from being able to let it know not to attack my target , for when you want to pull),It should not have armor, it should not have its on skills ,and everything that makes a pet more like a extra player should not be added.It is a third arm
you should have something to balance having a helper ( few skills less for self use,energy used for pet skills etc)
Originally Posted by Tristan the Impure
And pets having their own skill bar would be a great idea too. Not having to waste a skill on Charm and Comfort leaving you with only 6 skills.
A Pet is suppose to be like a third arm, not as a second player,which means it may not be too powerfull, we should not be able to command it ( maybe apart from being able to let it know not to attack my target , for when you want to pull),It should not have armor, it should not have its on skills ,and everything that makes a pet more like a extra player should not be added.It is a third arm
you should have something to balance having a helper ( few skills less for self use,energy used for pet skills etc)
IF you want multiple pets, change all ya characters to x/ranger and tame all the pets you want.
Such as:
My ranger has spider.
Monk black moa bird.
Warrior has phoenix.
Such as:
My ranger has spider.
Monk black moa bird.
Warrior has phoenix.
And how often do you play beast master as a monk?
My problem is that my black widow bores me, I was tempted many many times to change the pet but the countless hours I've spent in the underworld trying to tame it compells me to keep it...
I guess I want a collection out of selfishness, but having different pets on different characters doesn't really solve the problem of getting bored of your pets...guess it's the ADHD kicking in or something.
My problem is that my black widow bores me, I was tempted many many times to change the pet but the countless hours I've spent in the underworld trying to tame it compells me to keep it...
I guess I want a collection out of selfishness, but having different pets on different characters doesn't really solve the problem of getting bored of your pets...guess it's the ADHD kicking in or something.
Chaco Nautzi
Originally Posted by DFrost
I like the idea of character-based pet unlocks. Meaning you can switch between pets you've capped in the past. Each pet would gain levels separately, and the level wouldn't reset when switching back and forth between pets.
It also gives another title possibility for having charmed every pet on the game/continent/whatever. |
I seem to remember having heard somethign about that title you mentioned...i dotnrememebr where however ==;
Sorry, but these ideas have all been suggested several times before. Please check the Index of Ideas and do a search before you post. In this case, a search would have found the answers. I think, however, that I will add these ideas to the Index of Ideas, since they are so often brought up.
I've got to close this thread for redundency; we don't need multiple threads on the same subjects.
I've got to close this thread for redundency; we don't need multiple threads on the same subjects.