Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no Necromancer armor that has likeness to this. This armor looks better then any other Necromancer armor in my opinion, and the face sure as hell looks better then the necromancer faces. Why wasn't it added? :-( It should've been.
Concept Art that didn't take form
^_^ Painter~~
Im quiet pleased with our options for necro armor, and this one looks like just another version of luxon armor.
Im quiet pleased with our options for necro armor, and this one looks like just another version of luxon armor.
Though I like Luxon 15k. I personally think this one looks better.
I think that they wound up tweaking the 15K Luxon armor from this concept sketch, adding a few tounges and faces to round it out. I agree that I like this simpler version much better.