omg i'm so freaking excited for this one, because for some reason, the thought of a "holy avenger" character besides the paladin makes me feel all tingly inside ^L^
Does anyone have any info outside what's discribed in the small notice posted on the gw website? because i'd like to know more about these new professions, and i'm sure other people too!!
i wonder what these two classes will specialize in, though they explained the two in a very general fashion, i still am left with my doubts as to whether they will be casters, melees, ranged...the ones shown in blue look to be casters, and the white ones to be melee but i'm not sure
this is gonna be so much fun!!
GW Nightfall
maybe this shiould be in the nighfall section. You may be excited but please concentrate and post in "excited threads" that have been already made and in the correct forum please
oh whoops, never even saw that section, sorry about that