I have decided to make a list of things to watch out for when buying / selling.
I went around saying WTB account ( just to see how the people act) and got a couple people. i asked how much for it he said 20k.. this leads me to my first point and second point.
2. if they are selling extremely low(such as 20k) they are scamming.
So i asked how he wanted to do this ( 10k isnt much of a loss for me), he said half and half, i acted like i was worried and crap, he says, no i wont scam, i do this for a living. (lol a living? wow pretty lame).so i pay 10k, check the account then pay rest. i knew what was going to happen. i screen the conversation and trade window, give him the 10k... ill tell you what i do later.
3. They are going to run off when you do this, ignore you, log out, or deny they scammed you.
I send this into anet, da da da, do all that other stuff, they send me a message the guy got banned for a week.

4. double check the box no matter what, another 2 seconds to chec will be worth it.
5. make sure its the right item, the skin may be the same, but the item isnt. like altheas ashes and glittering dust.
6. if you are selling for say 4k, make sure its in the plat box not gold.
7. do not pay upfront for anything, unless they give it to you in the trade. (example: give me the money and ill go get the sword from my guildie and give you it). <dont fall for that, have him trade it in the screen when you pay.
8. last one, do not scam, it is not worth it, you will get banned permanently or maybe for a few days. AND DO NOT BUY ANY ACCOUNTS OFF GW. securely do it from plaync or go to a store and buy it.
Like i said before, i know this and how to advoid scams had been posted before, but i want to remind people what to watch out for.
In every game, there are people that will try to scam or "be your friend" just to get stuff. dont fall for this, and hopefully this list could somehow help you.
If you read this far... thanks