Factions - easier


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


I got GW propehcies a few days ago, currently lvl 8, but i find it quite hard. Ive been told in factions you level up easier, is this true? I just think i need an easier game, and also how much smaller is the world in factions? propecies is huge!

PS: has anyone got any tips on leveling up faster, in both games?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


The way to level up fastest is to do all the quests I think.

Factions is about 2/3 of Prophecies I think, maybe a little bit smaller. But in my opinion, it was harder (though that may have been because I didn't know the missions yet).

Could you tell where exactly you are fighting at the moment in Prophecies? Cause maybe you are just going too fast .

And yes, you level up faster in Factions.

huMptY DumPty

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



GW Factions does make you level up faster.

The quests in the n00bland (Shing Jea) and the mainland... are atleast 1000experience each (from memory)
The time spent to complete the primary storyline is a lot shorter than prophecies.
If you want to lvl up quickly: my tip is to get to the Kurzick side and do the lutgardis FF run. Basically get a team of runners, and run to the 4 spots. *Quick* 2000xp + 400 Kurzick Faction + 150 gold. ^ ^ It'll take you a little less than 2 minutes in a good team. That includes zoning out, getting quest and zoning back into lutgardis.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

You lvl up faster, but as far as actual difficulty, factions is a lot harder than prophecies. I played my monk through factions, had a few fails on missions like unwaking waters and vizunah with broken henchmen, or nahpui with your average I'm leeroy jenkins wammo. I go over and do the prophecies campaign and laugh at how little healing has to be done compared to factions.

Sister Brianne

Sister Brianne

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Twisted Misfits


I was also stuck at lvl 8 when i first started. The best way to lvl fast is do the main missions. They will help you progress in the game and lvl up very fast.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Stick with prophecies and level up by doing missions.

You'll learn more about the game and your character than if you try to rush it.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

Austin, Tx

Mmph Its [Good]


I beat Factions in under 20 hours on my monk. Much easier than Tyria ^^


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Stick with Prophecies, You can level up faster in Factions, but the enemies level up just as fast (Faster if you consider that they can get up to level 28!) Do every quest you can get your hands on and do the Bonuses while doing the missions.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Factions is not "easier", just faster but with tougher, higher damage mobs and quests and missions that give loads of exp.

Prophecies has a gradual storyline (25 missions + bonuses) with mobs that take less damage ,most of exp comes from killing not the missions/quests.

Factions has a shorter storyline (13 mission -wise) with a ton of quests that give a couple thousand exp each.

There is more incentive to do quests in Factions.

Doug Clifton

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oceanside, CA

The Shadowed Assassins [DaRk]


Factions is way easier in my opinion, I have beaten most of it in 10 days, just have to do the last mission



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Prophecies consume more time because of its size but the enemies are a lot easier. Tyria is runnable where Cantha is not so people who play their second or third character to the end, makes it easier while in Tyria there is more new players because veterans just run.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


Originally Posted by huMptY DumPty
GW Factions does make you level up faster.

The quests in the n00bland (Shing Jea) and the mainland... are atleast 1000experience each (from memory)
The time spent to complete the primary storyline is a lot shorter than prophecies.
If you want to lvl up quickly: my tip is to get to the Kurzick side and do the lutgardis FF run. Basically get a team of runners, and run to the 4 spots. *Quick* 2000xp + 400 Kurzick Faction + 150 gold. ^ ^ It'll take you a little less than 2 minutes in a good team. That includes zoning out, getting quest and zoning back into lutgardis.
Too bad it's almost imposible to go there before you reach level 20.

fantom skies

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006


factions is hard if you choose the wrong profession


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

The Dark Side of The Moon


It's def easier to level in the expansion, with relative ease of getting 20 pre leaving the island.

As for the story and getting to cool parts of the game, I would def say expansion is harder. Factions NPC groups are fairly well balanced class wise, not to mention other special stuff they sometimes do that just superceeds the laws of the game.

I've NEVER been 1 shot in the original game....by ANYTHING. It's quite the common occurance in the expansion if you aren't careful.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by fantom skies
factions is hard if you choose the wrong profession
There are nor 'wrong' prfessions, only people how do not know how to play them.

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


Originally Posted by ischuros
There are nor 'wrong' prfessions, only people how do not know how to play them.
And people who don't want them in their party.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
And people who don't want them in their party.
Those people that don't want certain classes in their parties SHOULD make one of that class and get really good at it. Then they would realize how uber strong those "unwanted" classes really are and would want them in their party.

If the person is too lazy to make one or doesn't have enough slots, then find someone that is good with that class and watch them play or something.

Ya, these classes might be hard to play really good, but that doesn't mean we should "ban" them from all groups exept pure henchie groups! NO ONE DESERVES TO HAVE TO PLAY WITH HENCHIES THE WHOLE GAME! That would just be cruel.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Factions has a shorter storyline (13 mission -wise) with a ton of quests that give a couple thousand exp each.

There is more incentive to do quests in Factions.
I actually found it to be quite opposite =/

In Factions, the quests only offer experience, faction, and gold. Okay, I hit level 20 very quickly, so what's the need for experience? Skill points? Well, I'd rather get free skills from Prophecies. Faction? Not every player needs faction aside from the befriending quests. Gold? Well, it's needed, but it's not much that's given.

Typically, a person would want the money to buy skills for their character, and the gold can help. However, in Prophecies, the quests gave you experience and some skills to use. That's potentially 2k saved when compared to the loss of 1.5k for skill "purchasing" through quests.

If you wanted to save money when purchasing skills, then Prophecies would give a greater incentive to complete their quests. Then only thing I can see the advantage in Factions quests is the gold that can potentially make you richer, which isn't much as I've mentioned. Oh, and if there is ever an experience title in Guild Wars. If.