I was thinking about something in this game that bothers me to a certain extent. Almost all quests are easy, done quickly and forgotten. Most are so easy, that you can do them without reading the text the NPC has to say, and I know I DON’T. The quests simply give you the wavepoint, and BAM, all you have to do is get there. Boring quests come dime a dozen, and most of the time I fall asleep playing them. Although quests aren’t suppose to be nearly as hard as missions, why not? Anet may not like the idea of a quest that takes more time, because its not how they roll. So, read over this, and see what you think.
Obtained the same way as normal quests, although there are fewer, and require a lot more time and concentration to complete. In addition, they provide more reward if you do complete, and you wouldn’t get a WAVEPOINT. The elite quests wouldn’t give you info on exactly who to talk to on contact, you would simply use your previous knowledge (or guildwiki) to find out the all the info, items and things needed to complete these ELITE quests. These types of quests would be very similar to those in Everquest and Runescape, in the sense that, they are harder to finish and require lots of thinking. In addition to this, the requirements to actually do the quest would be higher, for example.
The Search for the Necromancer
In order to start, must have the following:
Access to Lions Arch
Access to Ember Lightcamp
1 Axe
1 Undead Scroll
15 Char Hides
1 Ecto
Completion of the Arborstone Mission
Once these things were obtained, the player(s), could start their quest. On the way, they would have to remember certain events, for example:
What is the name of Prince Rurik’s Father?
Who is standing next to the Grenth Shrine in Diessa Lowlands?
What is the name of the Merchant in Fishermans Haven?
As I said before, the quests would be challenging and long, but provide rewards of great value. Elite Quests, could come from completing other normal quests, all quests in an area, or for reaching a certain lvl or achieving a title.
Problems with the Elite Quests:
People would copy down all the answers and post on the net, making the quest not as fun. Although its totally up to the user, remember its not about XP or items, its about a great thing Guild Wars has always been lacking. A GREAT QUEST!
~Silly Warrior

Post your comments, additions to the idea, or anything else!