I'll just make a brief comment about increasing the level cap, etc. But there are several things that I would like to see.
1-Armor drops from monsters
2-More armor sets or armor customization options. Like you can craft your character, make it so you can craft armor the same way to make it more unique. This is because too many people wear the same kind of armor (regardless of dyes, etc)
3-More types of armor, weapons, etc
4-Remove skills option. Dont like a skill you picked up, sell it for a skill point at the skills trader. This is because in the tutorials, and multiclassing you get to many skills and for people who know the type of build they want, some of the skills end up being worthless and a waste of space.
5-Armor is Sized
Ok so you go into a store and buy a shirt. That shirt is going to fit you or anyone else who happens to be either your size or a little bit smaller. So what I am suggesting is that instead of customizing the armor to the character, customizing it to the characters size.
So for instance if my character is average height on the size bar, anyone who is my class and either the same size or a bit smaller can wear the armor that I had. Because its both a waste of money and resources which are already extremely hard to come across to have to salvage armor because its useless after the next upgrade.
6-Absorbtion Runes (CLARIFY)
Ok, heres the ultimate puzzler. If a rune doesnt say (non-stacking) but neither does it say (stacking) does it stack?
On a similar note in factions you have the Knights Cuirass which has Damage Reduction of 3 (Stacking). So if I put an Absorbtion rune on it does it make the reduction 4 since while its obvious that other runes do not stack (because they are labeled non-stacking) it is unclear whether or not the absorbtion runes stack since they do not say (non stacking)
7-Add the ability to single class.
Thats all I can think of right now.
List of Suggestions
1. Armour already drops from monsters, they sometimes have runes.
2. This would require an extraordinary amount of work for modellers, and is highly unlikely to happen, however cool it might be.
3. More types of weapons and armours are always welcome, and will probably come with Nightfall.
4. If you have played Factions you'll notice you get too many skill points anyway, so there is no need to remove skills. Same in Prophecies, although you don't get as many, if you do bonus missions you'll have all the skill points you need once you get to the trainer you need. Clutter in the skill list is easily overcomable, you have several ways of sorting the skills.
5. If you change the armours in the game, so everyone of the same size can wear them it would completely turn the entire concept of the game around. First off, it would be impossible to trade since you can't check if the armour actually fits you untill you buy it. Secondly the size bar when you create a character allows for about 1000ish different sizes, since it doesn't have any steps, but it's scrollable. Besides, some people are fat, some are skinny. Just because two people are 1,80 meters tall doesn't mean they can both wear the same shirt.
6. Agreed, absorbation runes need a better description.
7. What fun would that be? What I like most about the GW system is the freedom it allows when creating a character, since you can combine any two classes and get a resonably functional character.
2. This would require an extraordinary amount of work for modellers, and is highly unlikely to happen, however cool it might be.
3. More types of weapons and armours are always welcome, and will probably come with Nightfall.
4. If you have played Factions you'll notice you get too many skill points anyway, so there is no need to remove skills. Same in Prophecies, although you don't get as many, if you do bonus missions you'll have all the skill points you need once you get to the trainer you need. Clutter in the skill list is easily overcomable, you have several ways of sorting the skills.
5. If you change the armours in the game, so everyone of the same size can wear them it would completely turn the entire concept of the game around. First off, it would be impossible to trade since you can't check if the armour actually fits you untill you buy it. Secondly the size bar when you create a character allows for about 1000ish different sizes, since it doesn't have any steps, but it's scrollable. Besides, some people are fat, some are skinny. Just because two people are 1,80 meters tall doesn't mean they can both wear the same shirt.
6. Agreed, absorbation runes need a better description.
7. What fun would that be? What I like most about the GW system is the freedom it allows when creating a character, since you can combine any two classes and get a resonably functional character.