If people are really worried about the imbalance of pvp from raising the lvl cap, heres some food for thought..ONLY CHANGE IT PVE WISE!

This is really my perspective on how the current mmorpg leaders stand, pve and pvp wise and only from the biggest games, not to offend any players who play other games that I didnt mention.(only the biggest games player-wise).
1.Guild wars
Gameplay(pve wise)
3.Guild Wars
1.Guild Wars
Communication(community feel, groupness etc.)
2.Guild Wars
Longevity of game
3.Guild Wars
Active community(player wise, how many are on or own accounts)
3.Guild Wars
Fun Factor while playing and developing
1.Guild Wars
Ok, i think I have fairly accuratly labeled these 3 games in the following categories, although some people may have a difference of opinion. Ok, now i will explain my reasoning though.
Graphics: Ok, this is an obviouse no-brainer, GW graphics blow WoW and RS out of the water, 100-1.
Gameplay(Pve): Wow edges first, with seemingly endless quests, big landscapes and lvling for those who enjoy that. Runescape second, just because of the sheer repetitvness of it. Guild Wars last, because of the seemingly stagnant and limited pve options, leaving your characters somewhat "just there".
Gameplay(Pvp): Guild Wars obviously dominates this category, because of the awsome fact that it is balanced, no unporpotionate lvling and "skill" based playing. Wow, 2nd, and Runescape 3rd because too many unporpotionate lvls and way to littly combat options, just clicking like a 3 year old

Communication:Wow, with the effect that there are always thousands of players on, in the case of 1 big server giving a "world mmorpg" feel that many players enjoy. Rs is 2nd, and Guild Wars 3rd for the sense of "solo" and no real interaction with other players, and more of an rpg style.
Longevity: Lol, BY "FAR" runescape, with seemingly infinite lvling to the point of eye bleeding, countless activities to do "fishing, mining, construction etc." this game is sure to keep u playing for "years". The gameplay isnt as important, because frankly some people will just play it for the sake of things to do, despite the gameplay. Some people enjoy longer games that they can really immerse themselves in, and thats totally cool. WoW as well, although not even close content wise. Guild Wars 3rd and distant, giving the more casual gamer feel and not leaving options most players would be interested in, all though many disagree(ex. Titles instead of lvls.)
Active Community: Runescape takes this, with millions of people playing everyday, and the main reason of this is of the free gameplay and browser based mmorpg. Wow, in a very close second and is seemingly picking up players coming from Guild Wars looking for a more "mmorpg" type of game. And the Guild Wars 3rd, because of the many districts and added areas, leaving many players seperated and giving a "lonely" feel.
Fun Factor: This one I think is the most opinionated category, but I would say it really is Guild Wars, because of all three that Ive played Ive had the most fun in the beggining times with this one. WoW and runescape are somewhat tied, but i give the edge to WoW because of the over repetitivness of runescape.
Ok, so now to assign a total leader, which is difficult because all of these categories arent the same, so i will try to be as fair as possible. Knowing this information, I wont assign 1 as some people like pvp more and some pve, but i can say this that in my experiences 70% or more are more pve oriented, at least most of the time. Graphics mean the least in my opinion and are easily overweighed by good gameplay and longevity (ex.runescape). Fun Factor is important as well, but again is short-lived if the longevity isnt porpotionate.
They go hand in hand, just as community and communication because you cant have one without the other.
Now, knowing all of this people can form their own opinions, or just add on to them. But, I definetly don't want to see people making mindless criticsm and idiotic comments based on narrowminded opinions, and turn everything into a flame war.
I know that the ideal game doesnt exist, but why not add a little from all these games and make, well Guild Wars and ultimate game which attracts people of all types, casual games, grinders, hardcore mmorpgers. If people say that this is impossible, for if A-net did this Guild Wars simply wouldn't be, well Guild Wars, then i beg to differ. Even so, why would the so called integrity of the game be poorly compromised if more people were attracted and thousands of other options became available? It wouldn't. Also, A-net doesn't even have to look at it like this, but from a bussiness perspective. Many people flock to Guild Wars just for the fact of no online gaming fees, ignoring some flaws it may have. Well, just imagine how many more players would come if things changed and it became better? WoW=goodbye, becuase why would someone pay for a game like that when they can get 1 that has all that and more for no online fees?
So, basically that summerizes my point in a nutshell. Btw, I am not biased at all i am just looking at this from an observers perspective, and of trying to improve GW, which I am sure many people aggree needs improvement.