I don’t know if this has been suggested before. A war-like arena. Similar to the alliance battles, but raging all the time. You enter alone, like Aspenwood. When you enter you are assigned to any of the teams of your side. I suggest 5 teams of 6 for each side. you only gain factions when your party kills and only if you are in radar range of the kill, and only if you are alive, this is to prevent leechers. You just fight and fight, with no end. You die and you are rezed 10 seconds after. No control points like in alliance battles, just fighting. You could add a death counter, like, if you die 20 times you are kicked off the battle, that way people can come and go. This would be mayhem!
Have a nice day.
war-like arena, endless fighting
I thought about a similar idea, but a persistant battle would be hard to implement, especially if it had objectives beyond "kill things."
A few things to think about on this thread:
How would the score chart work if people kept joining/leaving?
What's the maximum amount of people per team? per battle? What if a battle is full? do people start a 1v0?
A few things to think about on this thread:
How would the score chart work if people kept joining/leaving?
What's the maximum amount of people per team? per battle? What if a battle is full? do people start a 1v0?
This would be an awsome addition but it would require new mechanics.
Score chart... impossible, just get rid of it in this instance.
Party... make a party window that contains maybe 5 health bars per mini row and a whole lotta rows. The health bars would just show name and life, not class or anything. This way when people continued to join you could see all of them, granted you make your window big enough. You could limit the war battlefield to like 100 people per side, making for 20 relatively small rows. This would make it so everybody doesn't bring a self sustaining wammo. They could bring whatever and expect to be healed.
Now the main issue, lag................ no suggestions here................ yeah....... this could be a problem. 200 people beating on each other, my graphic card would explode.
Score chart... impossible, just get rid of it in this instance.
Party... make a party window that contains maybe 5 health bars per mini row and a whole lotta rows. The health bars would just show name and life, not class or anything. This way when people continued to join you could see all of them, granted you make your window big enough. You could limit the war battlefield to like 100 people per side, making for 20 relatively small rows. This would make it so everybody doesn't bring a self sustaining wammo. They could bring whatever and expect to be healed.
Now the main issue, lag................ no suggestions here................ yeah....... this could be a problem. 200 people beating on each other, my graphic card would explode.
Phoenix Arrows
200 is a big amount...Alliance Battles only have 24! I think it should be maxed at like 24 per side, total of 48. This is to prevent lag and so that it isn't crazily hard to see who you're trying to attack.
Terra Xin
200 people with individual builds, that's not a proper war, thats just chaos.
Im not sure... I mean this would run closely to how the favour system and AB operates, in any particular instance you'll have a group on one side that is soo good, they'll continue scoring for ages, get a buzz, and continue scoring until they get tired and go to bed. And then you will promote MM's like crazy (thank god they nerfed MM's) EoE... I'm scared of that one already...
Im not sure... I mean this would run closely to how the favour system and AB operates, in any particular instance you'll have a group on one side that is soo good, they'll continue scoring for ages, get a buzz, and continue scoring until they get tired and go to bed. And then you will promote MM's like crazy (thank god they nerfed MM's) EoE... I'm scared of that one already...